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Made it home from Paducah. The weather was great and and the sunshine highlighted the city at its best. Lower town is beautiful, I just love it.

My big purchase was at the Superior booth. Bought lots of thread. Showed it to my hubby this morning. He asked what it cost, (not that he cares, he is VERY supportive in whatever I have chosen to do through the years, I am truly blessed with him) he was floored at first by the cost but he looked at the amount of thread on a cone and thought it wasn\'t too bad. He\'s a farmer and realizes you have to have good equipment to do a good job.

Had fun at the APQS booth, got to try the Lenni, loved it. Marilyn Bagder gave me alot of tips, she is so sweet you just want to hug her.

Tina was really sweet too. She\'s going to come a help me check my machine over. Loved her red shoes!

Had a nice long chat with Sharon Shamber. She is so giving and helpful.

I bought several books and patterns.

Seems like the crowd was down, so it was easy to get around.

Is anyone going to Nashville? Next year it is moving to Knoxville.


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Paducah was beautiful. The crowd was way down I thought, too. We asked and were told the conventions was going to be at Paducah one more year. We have reserved a place to stay already. I\'d like to get this sorted out because we surely don\'t need a reservation if the convention isn\'t going to be there.

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Originally posted by victoriasews

Paducah was beautiful. The crowd was way down I thought, too. We asked and were told the conventions was going to be at Paducah one more year. We have reserved a place to stay already. I\'d like to get this sorted out because we surely don\'t need a reservation if the convention isn\'t going to be there.

The contract is already signed for 2009 and 2010. There was an article in the newspaper while we were there and Mr. Schroeder said the quilt show is definitely not leaving Paducah.

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Originally posted by victoriasews

Paducah was beautiful. The crowd was way down I thought, too. We asked and were told the conventions was going to be at Paducah one more year. We have reserved a place to stay already. I\'d like to get this sorted out because we surely don\'t need a reservation if the convention isn\'t going to be there.

The contract is already signed for 2009 and 2010. There was an article in the newspaper while we were there and Mr. Schroeder said the quilt show is definitely not leaving Paducah.

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It was a customer quilt...I don\'t know if that has anything to do with it or not. Maybe she didn\'t want to give me credit :o But she has all along, so I don\'t know.

Thank you for looking for it...and thank you for saying it was lovely...I like to hear you talk even though I can only imagine!!;)

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