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Wobbly Stitches??

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Yesterday I started on a Quilt of Valor and I am not happy with my stitches. They are "wobbly" (technical term) in places. I have adjusted both top and bottom tensions and changed the needle. The particulars: top thread King Tut, bottom thread Bottom Line prewound, needle Singer MR 3.5, batting Hobbs Poly Down.

Has anyone else had this issue?


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I\'m guessing that you are stitching from front to back or right to left when this happens. It has to do with the direction you are going and how the thread is coming out of the needle. Try turning the needle slightly to the left and it should clear up the problem.


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Great advice from everyone! King Tut is pretty thick thread; perhaps switch to a 4.0?

PS: I was using a lot of different metallic threads (and thicker King Tut) on a quilt of mine recently and so I switched to a 4.5 needle and never had a break (and thread was looped through all three holes above the tension disk). Perfect tension.

I also agree that your top tension needs to be tightened just a smidge or so...

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Looks like your machine is trying to skip a stitch - but it\'s still close enough to catch. If simple tension adjustments don\'t help, it could be timing related. The machine is timed to a 4.0 needle, try that size quick to see if that\'s what it needs...otherwise, I\'d check the needlebar depth - make sure you can see a little silver above the eye of the needle when it\'s in it\'s lowest position in the hook assembly. Sometimes a small adjustment to that setting can make all the difference in the world. I do have a set of timing instructions I can send you in e-mail format if you need them....just e-mail me and let me know!

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The stitches on my Freedom were doing the same thing, only worse. The R to L and F to B were really bad. I played with the tension for a day. Finally, I called Amy and she told me to try adjusting the needle bar. My bar was a little too high. Probably from hitting a ruler!:mad: After adjusting the bar my stitches are perfect!!:D:D:D I was so impressed with myself, I adjusted the needle bar on my Millie too so those stitches are perfect now too!!:):):):)

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Say, Amy, could I please have a copy of those timing instructions? I\'ve not been able to run comparable threads in my Mille since I got her. She runs quite nicely if the bobbin thread is lightweight & the top thread is heavier (like a Signature), but I\'ve never been able to run Signature in both top & bottom. It\'ll look like the stitches from the example above.

( I have only used 4.0 needles, so the needle shouldn\'t be the problem. ).


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