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Hi all

I was just wondering how you would quilt this quilt with

9 x 12 inch by 10 inch sticheries on the quilt

do you do a all over pantograph and stitch over the top to hold them down or just stitch in the ditch on the inside border of sticheries, then they pop out or any other suggestions

Thanks for your help


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Hi Joy, Thay are lovely! Yours?

I\'ve seen stitcheries X-hatched with background coloured fine thread and they looked great, so I think I would give that a go. I don\'t like them left unquilted looking all puffy but like all things I guess it\'s personal.

I quilted a little quilt for a lady who wanted the centre of the blocks, a tole print, left unquilted and I wasn\'t happy with it as it looked unfinished, she liked it though. I wonder if others will look at it and think I\'m a lousy quilter. Oh well, out of my control.

Cheers and keep warm, hoping we might get some rain soon!


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I handle things like this one like Linzi does...by echoing and going up into the designs where you don\'t have to cross the stitches. Either way they look great. Crossing the stitches doesn\'t hurt them its just a personal choice to or not to do it.

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