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Thread keeps breaking!!!!

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I am about ready to go NUTS!!!!! For the past two days my

top thread keeps breaking. I have re-threaded the machine, cleaned it,changed the needle 4 times and I am using a #4 because I am using Perfect Quilter Varigated thread which is thread I have used before so I know the spool is good. My tension is good in the bobbin and on top..........what can be going on????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I want to pull my hair out!!! and it is short already........:P:P:P


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Renae...even though you have good tensions it still could be just a bit to tight. I would loosen up a tiny bit more and then see if that doesn\'t help. Also where is the thread breaking...at the needle of before the needle?

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Have to rethreaded? If not try only going through 2 holes of the pigtail instead of all three. The other thing I would check is to see if you have worn grooves in any of your pigtails. Finally check the hook area really well to make sure you don\'t have any small pieces of thread stuck in there causing the problem.

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Have you tried putting the spool into a plastic bag with a wet cotton ball and then leaving in the fridge for a few hours? I had some DMC cotton that I could not run until I did the above and after I rehabilitated the thread it ran perfectly in my MIlli.

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Thanks John and Sandra I did check for burrs and I had them in BOTH of my pigtails. As soon as I changed them and loosened my bobbin tension some more everything was working beautifully. Thanks again. I always know I will get good advice from the my good friends. I\'m very happy once again....gone quilting.;)


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How do you check for burrs in the pigtails? My similar problems of last week are just about gone, after I polished the bobbin case & top thread tension disks, although I did not see any burrs on those either. However, I still get an occasional thread breakage and once the tension changed suddenly, so something is still in there.

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