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Grammie in Colarado

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Hi everyone.

Just stopping in to say hello.

Trayce please send me your number again. Cell and home. My CELL is DEAD for sure.

It took me 30 minutes to get onto the internet and I could loose you any minute. I will check again at the campground later tonight. I have to walk up to a high point to get the WI FI to let me on. Our RV is in the Valley and I cannot get it to work fast enough.

We have been so busy looking at property and homes. It takes along time to get from one to another. WIDE OPEN SPACES.

I think we might have found what we want. Going to look one more time. Around 9000 elevation. YIKES. Say a prayer for us that all comes our way. Lots to do to make such a huge move. The home will offer me a 2000 square foot studio with bedrooms and bath and HUGE quilting space. Pray pray pray. I need them. Can\'t believe it could be possible. I won\'t believe it until I open with my own key. lol

It\'s going to be so scary to Leave my great state of Texas. Oh my gosh the weather here is unbelievable. It is really the best. I love the summers. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Hugs and again I\'ll check my U2\'s later tonight. Back up the Mountain we go for the day and I have dinner with Kids and Grand-children later.

Hugs to you all. Better go.

Hugs Grammie Tammie

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Hi Grammie:

Oh gosh, you\'re making me miss my mountains again! What area are you looking in? I agree, the summers are great! I lived in Montrose, and we literally had 345 days of sunshine every year! If it rained, it was short, like hours, not days. If it snowed, the snow was melted off the streets by noon. Arid, and NO humidity! Loved it! Good luck!

Let us know!

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Hey Tammie-

Hope you are having a great time.

Let us know if this deal works out!

Are you visiting Manda? Tell her I said hello.

I know you have a busy schedule, but if you are up in the Colorado Springs area, give me a call.

How exciting. Colorado is a wonderful place to live.

especially in the mountains.

I think you will love it.

Spending a lot of time at the new shop.

Hoping to open the doors Mid July.

Hope to see you soon.


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I sent you an U2U!

How exciting that you\'ve found a place that makes your heart sing!!!

I was thinking about that yesterday on my way home from Pueblo.... If Grammie lived over there, how long would it take to get there from my house... at all the houses I saw for sale along Hwy 96 :P

I\'m keeping my fingers crossed for the stars to align and things to work out just as they should.

Angels on your body!

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Hi Tammie!! My brother lives out there in God\'s country!! Next time I come to visit him, I will give you a buzz!! I would love to meet you and see your new space!:) You are so blessed to be where your grandkids are!! We want to go to South Carolina where ours are!! Smiling for you!!!!:):) linda

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