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Grosgrain ribbon

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Not too long ago (I think within the last month) there were some threads referring to loading a quilt and using grosgrain ribbon (on the leaders?) I did not save it, and now I would like that information, but I cannot find the topic. Search feature came up empty when I searched using \'grosgrain\' or \'gross grain\'. Both terms were used in the various responses, and I don\'t understand why I can\'t find the threads using Search.

Can anyone help?

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I recall the thread but I thought it was older than that. I have grosgrain ribbon attached to my zippers and staple the quilt backing or top to the ribbon. I\'ve been using them for about 3 months now and love them. I even color coded mine. the take up and quilt top zippers have light blue ribbon and the bottom zipper has dark blue. That way I con\'t have to guess at what ribbons so where. I also put a ribbon loop at on the left hand side so that I\'m not flipping zippers the wrong way.

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voila! This is soooooo cool. I put the zippers away, I hate pinning them, and I tried to trim and then take the zipper off later, but ended up cutting the zipper in half. Into the drawer to never be seen again. I guess I will go buy a stapler and try that. I see it as a voila\' moment. Thanks so much for the tip.

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Quiltmonkey, you are so smart, you are so smart! ! ! Thanks bunches - or as my aunt used to say, "Thank you large"!

I see it is an older thread. Silly of me not to have searched further back than three months. Evidently I was reading old threads when I read it only last month.

I have been watching Sharon Schamber\'s free videos and learning so much. Blessings all over her body for sharing everything she is sharing!

My machine has arrived! I have finished pantos on three quilts and if I must say so myself, they turned out pretty well. So well, in fact that a friend is paying me half of the going rate around here for me to "practice" on two quilts she brought me. I\'m absolutely thrilled to be getting even a little money so soon.

I\'m not a pencil and paper type artist, so I\'m thinking freehand stuff is pretty much out of my league, but I\'ll be happy if I only become a (nother) Panto Queen.

Thanks, hmerrill, for the tip about color coding. I color code EVERYTHING, and then I didn\'t even think about color coding the zippers! I bought fifteen yards of grosgrain ribbon all the same color. Go figure.

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