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Batik headaches

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I hate this quilt I\'m working on . It is that Pennsylvania star all done in batiks, well mostly done in batiks. Here is the problem:

The thread keeps tangling around the needle and breaking or breaking every time I hit one of those lumpy seams:mad:

On the upside- My tension looks better than it ever has in the past.

I have changed needles, rethreaded the machine, cleaned the bobbin area, tweaked the needle a bit to the left, tweaked the needle a bit to the right, poured silicone all over the thread guides and needle, added additional thread guides made from safety pins. I don\'t know what else to do. While I am sewing I keep seeing the thread go slack out of the corner of my eye.

I\'ve been working on it for two days and only have gotten two rows of about 10" each finished. GRRRR

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Do you have a thread net that you can put over the spool so that it doesn\'t come off to fast....if you don\'t have one you can make one out of a new Knee High...the top right out of the package will be tight enough to do the job.

When in the past I would get that thread flick, it was one of two things...thread was pulling off the spool to fast or a timing problem. Let\'s hope its just the thread pulling off to fast.

I guess it wouldn\'t hurt to check the timing and see where you are at....I was getting perfect tension a week ago and then I started to clip the tips off the needle....have know idea how it jumped the timing...haven\'t hit anything or broken any needles....

Hope this helps a bit.

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Have you tried change your pigtails?? They will develope a groove after time from the threads going through them that you can\'t see and that will make a HUGE difference. Two of them cost $3.22 . I always keep 2 on hand all the time.


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The first quilt I put on the machine was done with batiks and cottons.... the same stuff happened to me... Only I noticed that when I sewed over the cottons it was fine, no breakage at all, no problems... when I sewed over the batiks - it skipped stitches and the thread broke...

I got some of the "silicone spray" from Kingsmen and sprayed the batiks, and the thread...voila!!!! no more problems... had nothing to do with the tension, the sandwich, or anything else... Batiks are very dense fabrics the silicone lets the needle pass through the fabric easily. Try it you\'ll be amazed! I just ordered my 3rd can!

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