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Changing thread color question

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Quick question-Alot of quilts look better with thread that matches the piece you are working on-I would like to know if you change your threads and go back and work on those colors BEFORE you roll to the next area or do you do all of that color through the entire quilt then work backwards with the next color? I tend to do all of one color through the entire quilt then go back to different colors- Just wondering what if any benifits to doing one section all colors then rolling the bar?


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It actually takes me less time to do one color from top to bottom and then come back either from the top or go bottom to top with the next color....I don't fiddle with tensions as much as I do the other way...not all threads are equal, so I figure it out, complete one color fix the tension if I need to and go again. Just easier for me this way.

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