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Quilt Patterns for Trip Around the World

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I just received my first two customer quilts! Both are King-sized Trip around the worlds. Any suggestions for quilting them. I am looking for something that is both effective and time-efficient. The owner does not care at all what is on them and basically told me to use them as practice quilts. However, I want to go something that she will like. FYI, one uses Christmas fabric. Any input would be most appreciated!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

if you want to practice ruler work do just straight diagonal lines. By the time you get the quilts done you will be a pro!

That's the truth....you will see ruler work in your sleep, but when its done it will have an almost spiral effect, as each ring will have a circular effect. Very pretty when done.

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Linda Taylor just uses the ruler and goes from point to point. I wouldn't spend the time to graph out something like this and the lines will look great.

I would also practice continuous curve. That is one of the most useful things I have learned to do. You can use it on almost anything and it looks really classy. So, maybe one with lines and the other CC.

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You could also easily work on freeform feathers on this quilt. I need hours of practice on feathers and this quilt is good and forgiving on them. I'm posting pics of one I did that way, though I have to admit that I'm not sure if it's a Trip Around the World or Boston Commons, or what, but the idea is the same.


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From one Jeanne to another... thanks for showing A Trip Around the World done in feathers!

I have made 4 so far for a craft fair coming up and really wanted to do some feathers on at least one of them but wasn't sure how it would look...(not that mine will look that good!)

Again, thanks!


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Lisa, Linda, and Jeanne :),

Thanks for the nice words. These are much easier than you think. I found the thread where I first posted them and tried to explain how to do them.


I tried to explain it using my paint program, but I think I need to get "Paint for Dummies) See if that thread helps you any.

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By the way Nini:

When I was really young, around 2 or 3, I really didn't like peas. When we would have them for dinner, we couldn't have seconds on anything unless we cleaned our plate. So I would stuff them all in one of my cheeks, not chewing or swallowing them. and then say: Nini want more. When I see your name that's what I think of! Oopsy, not the cruddy peas! You remind me of that story my Mom reminds me of alot!

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