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Bonnie's Steam and Starch Method

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Just finished pressing a 1/4" border on a quilt and when I pressed it, I stretched it. Oh WOW your starch and steam method shrunk it right back. You are wonderful!!!!

When is your DVD coming out? Need 2 - am going to buy one for a friend who is just starting a quilting business. Her husband is kind of taking over - he is more artistic than she, and he is having the time of his life. Loves that Milli. Mentioned your method to her and she thought "what a good idea".

It sure just saved me.


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Okay guys...here is the story....I AM HAVING trouble getting the audio and the visual in the same place....visual is done has been done for MONTHS....audio is giving me trouble...if you can deal with sub-titles...no problem.

If anyone out there can help me with either a "Power Point" need to lay the audio or "Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0" also need to dub in the audio we are so there.... I didn't want to talk while I was filming...my mistake, I should have done that from the beginning instead of trying to dub the audio later....:(

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