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Six months after I started quilting (1-1/2yrs ago) I came across this pattern in an old quilting book. So then it was off to Fabric Depot. I found the colors I wanted and the beige even came in a wide width, so I bought enough for the blocks and the back (the back now is not beige) The fabric felt different but since it was with the "Quilt Backings", (novice that I was, I thought all backings were 100% cotton) I just thought that it was a special fabric blend. Went home, cut out the 1,900 + peices and started assembling. It seemed like every time I touched the beige it was a different size, stretching everywhere. Thanks to my quilting pals at MMQG at Nancy's in March I got some tips on how to combat the stretching. Steaming was the answer that saved the quilt. It still took months to finish. I would work on a row and throw it in a drawer and weeks later take it out again. In blood, sweat and tears this relatively simple 80x90 Jacob's Ladder quilt is worth about $2,000!!!! Lesson learned: Read the whole label!!!

<a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2480738300101848528JSeVzo"><img src="http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/73/73/7/38/30/2480738300101848528JSeVzo_th.jpg" alt="Sep 08 024"></a>

<a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2378717860101848528rYlHti"><img src="http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/73/73/7/17/86/2378717860101848528rYlHti_th.jpg" alt="Sep 08 026"></a>

<a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2561867140101848528dzNTLu"><img src="http://thumb8.webshots.net/t/73/73/8/67/14/2561867140101848528dzNTLu_th.jpg" alt="Sep 08 029"></a>

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I was looking through my old quilts and samples one day, and I found one that had a whole cloth poly top and cotton muslin (not prewashed) backing. When I washed it, the top didn't shrink, but the batting and backing did. I had done something simple like clamshells on it, and I loved the way the rounded parts sort of puffed up, almost like they were stuffed with poly-fill. You can get some interesting effects, some good, some not-so-good, with that miracle fiber.:D

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Bev, that turned out so pretty. You really did wrestle it to the ground and won!!! I did something simular when I first started getting interested in quilting. I found a pattern with all kinds of pieces, I've saved the pattern, and one day I may make 4 blocks of it just to say I did it, but after learning a bit more about the process and taking some classes, I realized that I didn't want to cut out umteen pieces and sew them all back together!! Anyway, we all learn while we go. Glad this turned out so very beautiful for you.

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