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Needle Size

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My Milli came with MR4.0 needles. I have read many posts and overheard quilters talking about smaller needles. When I look at the APQS web site for supplies, I don't see smaller needles listed. Is it okay to use smaller needles? I know they make a smaller hole in the fabric, but what are the advantages/disadvantages? And what size needles do you recommend? I have been quilting for about a year and a half and have never tried any other size needle, but I am feeling like a little spice in my life ;) . Anyway, any input would be greatly appreciated.

Mary Beth

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Hi Mary Beth,

We do carry 3.5 needles, and yes you can use them.. For many years that was what we used standard... the thing that you have to be careful of... (also the reason we went to 4.0) is with the smaller needle you get more flex.. Which means you may break needles... and the tension may change a little!!

The 4.0 needles, once the quilt is taken off the table and relaxes you won't notice the hole anyway!

People do use them on more delicate quilts..

Have a Great Day!!!!

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