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"Practicing" on your friends' quilt tops for free

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When my tightwad cousin learned I was buying a machine, she was first to offer me her quilt tops to "practice on." I'm assuming she meant for free, although that subject never came up. After first turning her down because I had my own quilt tops to finish, I relented when I was unable to finish my own quilts fast enough to get enough practice, so I told her I had changed my mind and that I would do her quilt tops for half price for practice. I expected her to bring me one; she brought me four!

So I suggest not doing anything (except charity quilts) for practice for free.


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Well I'm glad she is at least going to pay you some. I think I would probably have offered the same as you. I can't tell you how many times in the last year I've been asked to just do a quilt for one charity or another. My family can be really bad about this and I explain as nicely as I can how much making a quilt from scratch costs not to mention all the hours. I tell them that I'm all booked for charity quilts for the year. I try to do one a month if at all possible. Sometimes I can't even fit that in. I really don't have time to piece the quilts so I usually do a QOV or charity top from the guild I belong too. Those are my practice pieces and really I won't do true practice on them. It just be a new design that I have done.

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I did my first 25 quilts for free. They knew not to expect miracles but were happy with the result.

I have a rule, I get to do my best friend's quilts for free. There isn't anyone better than my best friend Sue...encourager, fellow fabric acquiring buddy.

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"we are no longer friends because she was a perfectionist and I wasn't good enough." :(

Cheryl- I would have been tempted to put it back on the machine, without a word, and SKIN it!!! :P

anyone that would expect 'perfection' from someone that has just got a new machine, and is a total newbie is off their rocker. It takes time and practice to learn to use the machine, let alone achieve 'perfect feathers!' If she wanted that, she should have hand quilted it herself!! frankly, dear, I think you're better off without someone like that in your life. After all, we're our OWN harshest critics, who needs HELP? :D

Most of the quilting I have done has been discount price or free for friends, or whatever they were willing to give me. Sometimes that's LUNCH!! :P I do offer to do quilting for friends, if they want to allow me the practice time on their tops, they supply the backing and batting, and I supply the thread, unless it's some color I don't already have. I make it known up front that this is NOT a computerized, stitch regulated machine, It's hand-operated by me, the designs are my own free-hand, not panto, and tho I try to do my best on every one, 'perfection' is probably NOT going to happen!

Most of these have been quilts that are for use, not "precious" or "heirloom," But every piece is precious to someone, so I do try my best to make it nice.


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