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To anyone in Australia

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Hello Lib,

There is nothing left in Marysville, the township has gone.

If you google

abc.com.au (Australian Broadcast Corporation)

This will take you to the headlines stories. Click onto the Tag Marysville - 3779. The tags are located under the main story featured. There are two video/news articles on the destruction there.

It is just heart rendering to watch, so have the tissues ready.


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Buckets of tears. . .how horrible! We just can't imagine going through something like that. We just entertained two groups of students from Australia at Mt. Hood Meadows, and they were delightful people. The students were friendly and having loads of fun. They were mostly from Sidney, metropolitan schools.

I pray that those involved in this disaster will keep their cool, be comforted by each other, and after a time of grieving, be able to rebuild and carry on with life. It would be so discouraging to lose everything. How sad.

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Originally posted by Lib

I just heard that Bruno Torfs’ sculpture garden in Marysville has been burnt. Please someone in Australia tell me I am mistaken.


I googled the Garden and a note says the structures are gone, but some sculptures remain and they plan to re-build. Such determination--it's a lesson to us all!

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The brother of a good friend lives near Victoria. When they decided to evacuate they helped elderly neighbors to gather a few things. Within a half hour, the fire which had been 40 miles away was upon them. It split as it approached them and went on either side. They and their house were spared, but their neighbors were not. The wife perished and the husband is injured. Such awful loss of life and property...

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