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Another Lesson learned!

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Don't I feel silly!

I am quilting along and hear the plop plop plop sound so its time to change the needle. I replace it and continue quilting. Well, that needle decides to fall out, so I shake my head and put it back in and tighten the srew real good. So I want to continue quilting and my needle is hitting something and it won't go all the way down. Oh my gosh, panic button gets pushed all the way down. Turn of the power, move the machine away from the Quilt, remove needle plate and gently and manually move the needle down to see where it is hitting. Well, it's hitting the outer hook assembly. Call a girlfriend with a Prodigy, she says timing is out. I am now breaking into a hot sweat, take out my manual and I am getting ready to operate on my baby. I can't find the srew that you are supposed to adjust, so i call APQS and talk to my lifesaver Christy.

She says before we do anything, take the needle out and put it back in as far as it will go, and tighten the screw. Obidiently I follow instructions, and what do you know! The needle goes all the way down, I put everything back in place, change the needle again and continue quilting.

Wow how do you spell relieve? CHRISTY!!!! For me anyway. Thank you thank you thank you, and in case I forget to say it sometime "Thank You".

I know all you experience longarmers have a grin on your face cause you probably had a similar experience somewhere in your past. But for some Newbie, this might be an insight. I know it sure was a surprise for me.

Okay...back to work

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Whew! I am glad it was an easy fix. I am not sure how you wedge your needle into the needle bar, Monika, but I insert a flowerhead pin in the needle's eye and that helps me hold the needle in place with my left hand while I push the needle up into the needle bar with my right hand fingers. Then when I've got it wedged all the way in, I use a longer handled screwdriver to help torque down that screw so it's nice and tight. When I first got my machine, I was using a short handled screwdriver and my needles kept falling out because I couldn't tighten enough with the shorty handled one. Live and learn! Happy quilting!!! :)

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Monika, isn't Christy just the best? So patient, so helpful. The only thing I would add to the advice from Shana is that if you are right handed, put your needle screw on the right side so that your screwdriver is in your right hand. Reverse this for the lefties in the group. Why, you may ask? Because having it on the same side as your dominant hand allows you to apply more torque and your needle set screw will stay in. Trust me, having your needle fall out in the middle of a quilt really ruins your day, not to mention a few other things.

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You are so right Bobbi, Customer Service is A+++++ at APQS, I guess thats why I decded to buy APQS over anything else. I hung around this forum for a few month before I bought and the knowledge, admiration, and helpful attitude of everyone swung me into an APQS Machine. And you know what? No matter how panicy I am or frustrated or flustered, the gals at the other end never loose their cool. They have my nominaion & vote for a gold medal!

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Of course you know they have heard it all too! Just like nurses in a Pediatricians office taking calls from all those first time mothers!

When I put my needle in, I use forcepts (sp?) clamped on the needle. Stays exactly where I want it. Just a note, I somehow stripped my needle hole thingy (too tight?) and had to replace the whole needle bar even after doing Amy's suggestion of re-tapping the hole. You really don't want to have to replace one if you don't have too pita.

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