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Machine Quilting Showcase... try www.imqa.org or it might be www.imqa.com

It is THE main event for Longarmers (and other machinists) with all the big names, classes and many competition classes and seems to be the one that many folk on the chat board try to attend.

I would love to go but it kinda coincides with THE show in Scotland... Loch Lomond and it is in the USA and I have a family who I already abandon several times a year BUT I really, really want to go one day!

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It is very difficult sometimes to work these shows around our families. Hopefully the families understand when we do this occassional. I am retired and go to several shows a year. Houson is my favorite but I really want to get in on some long-arm machine quilting classes. There are not many long arm people in my area and those that are charge an arm and a leg. Right now I just do panograph which there are some beautiful ones out there. I would like to learn some custom but don't have a clue as to find that training.:cool:

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Tony, Hi! Welcome!! Hey, if you can't get to or afford the classes, DVD's are a GREAT tool!! I have Myrna Ficken's DVD's and 2 of Karen Mctavishes that came with books that I have purchased by her. These are a GREAT way to learn!!! And you can see it over and over again!! Try them out! You'll like them!::) linda

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Yes you can go to Myrna Ficken's website at www.aquilterschoice.com or Pam Clarke who does a whole series of DVDs called Designs with Lines. Her website is www.homestitches.com. Also Kim Brunner has beginning longarming and other DVDs. Her website is www.Kimmyquilt.com.

There is another Machine Quilters show that was in New Hampshire but will be in Rhode Island next year. It is the Machine Quilters Expo or MQX. It has classes and a show and lots of vendors. It is usually in April. Next year it is April 12 - 17. Their website is www.MQXShow.com. It may be a little closer to you than MQS.


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Charlotte, thank you so much for all the information. I can see that you ladies are not adverse to sharing information. I will go to some of these sites and see if I can acquire a DVD or two. Thanks again for your generosity of information.:)

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if you have any more questions or need help there are quite a few gals and guys in NC depending on where you are located that may be able to help you out to get started. Ye Old Forest shop is in Greensboro, NC you might find some classes there if you are anywhere close to them.

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I own many of the DVDs and they really help watching someone doing it. A book is good but actually seeing it done in front of you is very helpful. It is like having a class right in your own home. Good luck.


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Hi Tony123 - I've just been reading your posts. There is below each boc some small blue boxes marked profile, e-mail, find and u2u. u2u is like a e-mail used just within the APQS site. you can click on that box below anyone's post and the message will be directed to them. To find out if you have a message, look at the top of each page in the upper right hand corner and it will say, "you have a u2u". Click on that and you will go to your inbox. I hope that helps. It took me forever to learn my way around when I first got on here, so don't feel that any question isn't fair game to ask. We've all been there before. And yes, the DVD's from the different teachers is an excellent way to learn how to use your LA machine. Good to meet you.:)

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