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Mr Habla Habla

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It's amazing when things happen unexpectedly (like the auctioneer didn't show up) and we act upon it and spontaneous (like Mark stepping up to the plate) and as a result, this occasion becomes more fantastic than what was originally planned. Mark, it was destined that this auctioneer didn't show up and that you jumped in and performed the task. It was better and more fun and exciting because you took action and took a leadership role; you rose to the occasion and made it happen and it was a success far more than ever imagined. Thank you so much for what you did, Mark. It is people like you who make life fun. It was meant for you to do this job and you did it excellently. We all are so proud of you, Mark. You made APQS look like a leader in not only quality made longarm quilting machines, but those who manage that company... this is why APQS is such a great company and why we have genuine, kind and smart people like you on that APQS management team. :)

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I have to add my kudos to Mark. It took a lot to get up there and do that, especially spur of the moment. Mark was a great sport and did an awesome job promoting both the cause and the quilts. I just laughed when you said "I think this will haunt me next year", as my first thought is that you have a job from now on every year at the auction if you'd do it!

Congrats again.

Brenda J

A-1 (Dealer)

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Marky Mark now has a new job but don't quit your day job...:D And his new name they gave him that night was " Hubba hubba"......doing his soft shoe dance and singing. He won't live any of that down. Will you, hubba hubba???:D:D I was watching Heidi and Amy for a while and I have never seen either one laugh so hard and Heidi was trying to get all of this on camera.......just don't know if she could stop laughing long enough.

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