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Midwest quilters next Saturday!

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I've got a BIG suitcase full of gadgets and my smallest suitcase for a change of clothes for me.:D:D

I just thought I would check to see if there were any last minute changes on here before I left the house. It it 1:20 and I am ready for Omaha............Boy are we ready to have some fun. Anyone that can come on Sat. or today........pack a bag, bring some gadgets and lets go!!! MB??????? Or anyone else is welcome too, Patty Jo???????? :D:oVirginia??? The more the merrier.

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Debbi, if you change your mind and decide to come tonight I still have a bedroom available. If you wait till morning to come I know we'll be up and about long before 9:30. I know we are all looking forward to seeing your demonstration. I wonder how many of us will put it on our wish list for Christmas?!?

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I'd love to come tonight but it just can't happen. With my brothers heart attack this last week, I have gotten nothing done at home, including quilting. I need to clean this afternoon and get a quilt started tonight. See you tomorrow and yes you should put IQ on your wish list. :D:D

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Originally posted by April W


Why on earth are you doing taxes in July??? It's quilt (shopping) season. :)

Where have you been for the past 5 years. I hate anything to do with numbers and math and balancing a checkbook and taxes....yada, yada....so even though we always get money back...I put it off until I just can't any more....I can't any more. My tax man is about to come over here and make me do it....so I must. The problem...time....I am working 40 hours/week...picking green beans when I get home...canning them on Saturday, while I work on taxes....and Sunday I am coming to Ash Grove for my grandson's baptism. Whew!! Oh, did I mention that I have not been feeling well? That pain I have been having in my shoulders turns out to be a bulging disc in my neck. Gone through over 6 weeks of PT, now it will be injections. Yippee!!

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MB I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you get better soon.

Re: taxes... hey, do what I do and just have my CPA do all the taxes. Fast, easy and I think you can write of the expenses for the CPA invoice? Is this accurate? I think so... Basically you write off what tax person charges you to do your taxes. It's a vicious circle. :P

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I ditto MB. Romonia, hop on board this chat room and let us get to know you!

Hope you can make it!

MB, i've been there, done that. Ended up having 2 discs in my neck fused using my hip bone. This was in 1998.

Those cortizone shots arent the easiest to accept, so I went to a pain specialist (who is now an anesthesiologist) If I need trigger point injections for my fibromyalsia, I hardly feel the needle going in.

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Looks like you've been up awhile. So sorry to hear about your neck problems...will add you to my prayer list.

I also put my taxes off till the last week possible in April or my husband throws a fit. You would think he could just offer to gather up ALL that information himself and make the appointment.

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