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Why does it happen when you want to be done?

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So I got Maddie down for a nap and headed down to get some quilting on this last quilt for Christmas. I'm doing feathered wreaths in each of the 12" squares, total 25. I roll to the last row. Well this quilt is for a friend who made it for her daughter's wedding 4 years ago and never quilted it. It is a hoopa (Jewish wedding not sure if I have that right). Anyway my friend just tied it for the wedding because of course she ran out of time. Well fast forward 4 years and she wants to finish it and give it to her as her Christmas gift. Her daughter was raised Christian but married Jewish. Anyway the backing was made up of signature blocks and I've been very careful to check and make sure it is lining up just right and no puckers. Good to go all along. Well roll to the last row and borders and the backing blocks are longer than the top so if I quilted as is she would loose about 1 1/2" of the signature blocks. Only 1 block had writing to the end...go figure it is the mother's block with all the quilt info. I could be sick!

Call my friend and find out that she hadn't made the backer so that it could just be centered. I have the exact amount at the top and bottom so the backer is perfectly centered to the quilt. She took a minute to wrap her mind about what I'm saying and she says, "Now doesn't that your a$$ ache!" LOL She is on her way over and we'll add some to the one border. I feel so bad. I even offered to take it all apart!

Well she is a great sport and I've learned a very valuable lesson! From now on my customers will need to make sure they mark the top and the back so that I know which end is top. I'll also double check the border around a backing to make sure it is even. As it turns out the way that I thought the writing went was wrong so now the backing doesn't go the same direction as the top but she was perfectly fine with that. She said you won't ever be looking at the top and back at the same time so no matter. I'm relieved that I don't have to take it apart. I told her I would add the addional fabric to the border. I really won't show much as I am feathering it and I can easily manipulate this feather to fill in the addional 1 1/2. She had about 4" of extra frabric on the one end and that was what threw it all off. I assumed she had done the borders around the back the same just like you would if you bordered a quilt. She says she'll take the blame for that one! I'll fix it tomorrow and get it done.

sorry about the length of this but I hope somebody learns from my mistakes!

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Oh Heidi,

So sorry for the difficult time with the quilt. You are so right about communication between the piecer and quilter. Sometimes what seems perfectly clear to you isn't what they want. You are lucky to have such a flexible friend who didn't freak out.

See you tomorrow night if you are going to the guild meeting.


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Oh I am so sorry, Heidi. Bless your heart we try so hard to do good jobs and sometimes it bites us in tbe butt.

Here;s a thought: Can you take out the block on the back (with the special written message) and make this part of the label? (just an idea,,,,not sure it is too late to do that or if it would work anyway...)

I would love to see the Chuppah when you are done. The Chuppah (or huppah) is like a little tent that is held up by four poles in each corner that the bride and groom stand under and say their vows. I found a picture of a simple one on the web. I am not Jewish but have dear friends that are and I am always fascinated by their beautiful traditions, holidays and their FOOD! :)

Hannukah is coming soon ,,,maybe it will be a Hannukah gift? Or Christmas. It doesn't matter it is the season for family and giving no matter who you are. :)

(((sending you hugs)))


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Thanks for the picture and yes that is right. They refer to it as a huppah, just spelled it way wrong! I can't take the block out, there are actually 2 of them and there would be no place to put it since the backer is made up of blocks all signed by wedding guests. I still don't have any idea why she made one of the borders wider on the back. She said she was trying to give me plenty but since she added the extra to the top that didn't help much! If the longer were at the bottom I would have been better off.

Bobbi - My friend came over and luckily she had some of the border fabric left. We're going to just make the one border about 2" wider than the other 3. I don't think it will stand out much at all. I'll just make the feathers longer on that side. I was so sick when I realized my mistake. I would have frogged it all if I had to and I told her to be completely honest with me. She is a good friend so I knew she would be honest. She said it was no big deal. I'll add the piece on and I pray that it doesn't stand out like a sore thumb!

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Originally posted by CWBowser

Oh Heidi,

So sorry for the difficult time with the quilt. You are so right about communication between the piecer and quilter. Sometimes what seems perfectly clear to you isn't what they want. You are lucky to have such a flexible friend who didn't freak out.

See you tomorrow night if you are going to the guild meeting.



Yes I'm going to the meeting. Remember it is at the CP Senior Center. Do you want to go over with me? If so let me know by emailing me at my yahoo address. I have to figure out what appetizer I'm making!

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Heidi, I know you'll get it worked out and the huppah will be great. Here's a hug ((((((((hug))))))))).

My husband is jewish and I agree, they have beautiful traditions and "food", they always have food!!!! My DH isn't an orthodox jew so we put up a "Hannukah Bush" for Christmas. I love him to death but I could never convert, I love my Jesus. Especially his birthday!!!!!

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