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Which show to attend?

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I'm still waiting for my machine - it should arrive this coming week. Meanwhile, I've been prowling the boards, watching videos, reading books, and trying to get everything else done so when my Ultimate I arrives, I will be free to play :-)

I have had advice that it is better to PPP for a while before taking classes or attending a show, and I plan to do that. However, I'm wondering how to choose between MQS/MQX/HMQS/something else?

I've looked at the web sites and programs, and all look interesting. MQX-West will be in Portland in the fall, and HMQS is in Salt Lake City - both closer to home than MQS, but not a huge difference in travel costs.

What to do?


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Hi Bonnie--I think the MQX show in Portland is 2011--and we West-Coasters are plenty excited about that!

MQS and MQX are the big shows for longarmers with all the big-name teachers and fabulous quilt shows.

Innovations is in Tacoma scheduled in September this year. Check the website to register for a class catalog.

By the time you bond with your new baby, you will have figured out what style of quilting makes you smile and show up every day in front of your machine.Then choosing classes will be easier. Either you will want a class to teach you a new skill, or a class to build upon your style. Shows with classes are great, and you will fill your brain, energize your creative side, and make lots of new friends.

And if you find a fabulous teacher that you love, purchase her/his DVDs and then you have a perpetual class whenever you want.

Have loads of fun with your new best friend!

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I am only 4 hours from SLC...so that males my choice an easy one. I go to HMQS. However, I have not yet taken classes. I just go to look and attend the vendor mall!

I too think that ppp first with your machine makes the show more fun and interesting too. There are many different styles out there in longarm quilting...and you will quickly find out which style is what you gravitate towards. That will make choosing classes easier but will also make the show more fun for you as you find those quilts that really satisfy your taste buds too! :)

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Come and see HMQS in Sandy, UT

May6-8, 2010

go online to see some classes if you're interested


Myrna Fricken, and Karen McTavish will be at the APQS booth.

It's a really nice show and seems to be getting bigger all the time.

Hope to see you there


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I'm going to HMQS, but it is only 3 hours from home. Taking classes, as soon as I register. Guess I had better do that today and get motel reservations. I'm running away for 5 days. Might just loose the cell phone too!!!

That is the only show I have been able to attend. It is hard there is one in Denver one week, HMQS the next and then right after that the one in Kansas City MQS or MQX, I can't remember which. But SLC is closer and I'm real comfortable there, so that is where I'm going this year.


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I went to Road 2 California this year and took long-arm hands-on classes plus a couple lectures. Will be going to MQS for same. Taking classes was tiring but very, very inspirational and educational. After taking Pam Clarke's classes I had an "Ah Ha" moment and realized - I can quilt! I live on the West Coast and look forward to MQX in Portland next year.

I would think that any of the three would be great because you can take hands-on classes. Have fun with your new machine!

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We want to go to the Quilt Show in Lancaster PA next week, March 25 or 26. It is supposed to be at the Lancaster Convention Center but we do not know where that is. We are coming from Northeast PA 14 miles north of Scranton. Is APQS going to be there?

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