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Have you ever gotten that quilt that refuses to talk to you and when you finally decide what to put on it just seems to have problems???? Nothing major but just enought to make it a pita to work on? Slightly wavy borders, seams that don't meet, pressed back seams that go every which way? Makes SID impossible. Yes as you have guessed it, I am working on one and just needed to vent. To top it off the bottom seam landed in the last border so now I get the pleasure of taking it off re seaming it and loading it again!!! Ugh I will be so glad when this one is done.....Sorry for unloading here I just needed to tell someone that would understand.:(

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Hey Bonnie do you need me to come over since your house is so quiet now and I will bring it and you can finish it???? Or maybe Heidi has some free time now that her show quilts are done??? Or maybe Sheri the circle lord queen can do some magic on it???? hummmm Who else is out there with some free time??? Has to be done by this weekend though....:):):)

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I just finished one about like that.............it was a "challenge" to say the least. The lady didn't want any all over quilting and said "can't you just sew down the seams?" I guess I was just supposed to snap my fingers and it's all done. :P Anyway, it was sooooo thick and sooooo many seams, all pressed different ways, so there were huge lumps at the intersections. It is string pieced on a foundation fabric that was so tough and heavy. The strings were no wider than 3/4" and cut into 6" blocks. I tried using invisible thread, but it was such tough going that it kept breaking. I broke 2 BIG needles and dulled a third one. Staying in the ditch was impossible sometimes because of the thick seams. That @#$%!@ is done now and being delivered tonight. All I can say is her check had better not bounce. :D Did I mention it is QUEEN SIZE ???

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Oh Linda!! Non-machine quilters don't realize how hard it is to SID with a longarm. I tell 'em the quilt has to be prepped for SID--all seams pressed, no twisted seams, and it's pricey! You are a saint to wade through one like this!

Roxanne--yep, I just finished one that didn't inspire one creative thought! Luckily the customer is using it as a sample for a class she is teaching at the LQS, so she didn't want anything to detract from the piecing she was teaching. I dodged that one!


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Originally posted by Front Porch Quilting

Hey Bonnie do you need me to come over since your house is so quiet now and I will bring it and you can finish it???? Or maybe Heidi has some free time now that her show quilts are done??? Or maybe Sheri the circle lord queen can do some magic on it???? hummmm Who else is out there with some free time??? Has to be done by this weekend though....:):):)

I would love it....am so having company withdrawls. I keep just wondering around. :)

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I would definately take you up on that Bonnie and it wouldn't be just for your cinnamon rolls either...I would love to meet you in person. Perhaps someday our paths will cross. In the mean time I was able to get the quilt unloaded re sewed and back on the frame. Sprayed and pressed the fullness out so now we will see if the last row makes me happy or crazy!!!:o

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I delivered MY "challenging" quilt last night and the lady was thrilled with it. Even gave me a hug ! She has more tops she is working on and I gave her a few "tips" about seams, etc. She hadn't made the other quilt.........it was one found in a realtive's belongings. So, I can't blame her for the bulky seams going all directions. :) I have learned from this experience though.

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