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Somehow my broken Millie question disappeared

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I think I hit a pin and now have a problem. When I push the needle down button it goes down fine but to make it come back up when I push it it won't go and tries to go kind of to the left. I know Dawn is gone by now. Can anyone give me a suggestion? Thanks


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When you try to bring up the needle with the flywheel (rather than the pushbutton), does it feel like it is binding somewhere? And are you sure you got the new needle all the way up in the needle bar? Still, it should come up okay.

Did you buy your Millie through one of the local Western WA reps? If so, give them a call and have them come take a look.

BTW, your post is still there - it's just in a different Forum than this one. If you go to "Today's Posts" on the blue bar, you'll see that both of them are there.

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your question didn't disappear- it's under the 'how to use the forum' thread.... (hit 'today's posts' at the top of your screen)

i answered there- but will copy my answer here:

sound like hitting the pin threw off your timing and the needle is getting stuck in the bobbin assembly/basket....unplug your machine, take the cover plate off and maunally rotate the fly wheel to see if it's hitting....directions for retiming (if ya needta) are in the manual....

good luck

p.s. you didn't break your millie....they are tough ole birds...

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I took the throat plate off and whten I turn the flywheel, it's hitting the end of the hook assy. On page 196 appendix F, the end of the part that's colored yellow. the needle hits it on the way down. Any suggestions/ Dooes it need retimed? Thanks


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Sure sounds like it, Carreen! Re-Timing isn't hard, it's just a tedious process. You can do it yourself - APQS has excellent instructions, but it's intimidating for a newbie. If I was closer to you, I'd be there to help, but I'm about 300 miles away. Can you call one of your local reps? Sheila Hooper isn't too far away from you - and she has the technical savvy to get the job done right.

Keep us posted on how it's going.

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Well, that didn't work. I moved the hook back a little but it must be something else. The needle is hesitating to go thru the fabric. I wish I could remember what I learned in class. I guess i'll call apqs tomorrow. I have my 3 year old granddaughter tomorrow till afternoon so i'll have to call after she leaves. That could be really frustrating. You know how demanding those little ones are!! gggrrrrrrr!!!


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After my Millenniumm arrived in '06 and I had used it quite a lot it was necessary to clean the bobbin housing out and oil it, well I put too much oil and it started to splatter...so I had my grease rag in hand and decided to catch the oil droplets...welllll...the frayed threads on the rag (not very close to the machine) got sucked in with the draft created by the spin and it ripped the rag out of my hands...popped the fuse and scared the snot out of me!!! It happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react. I thought I had totally wrecked my machine too, but it ended up being fine after some adjustments. Never again will I add more oil that needed and I never never never have anything remotely near the bobbin area! Live and learn!!

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Well, to add to all my frustration, the screws are so tight i've stripped them trying to get them off. I've been in contact with APQS with the suggestion of using a long screwdriver. NOT cutting it! I am just so frustrated, the tears are running down my face and i'm ready to take her and toss her out! The needle is too high and I can't get it adjusted.


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Carreen I am so sorry I can feel your frustration (and I can see your tears). So, this is what I am going to say. First, step away from the machine until tomorrow and take a breather. You can't focus when upset (I know I can't!) so after the break, you can work building confidence to start fixing this. I, too, have had trouble getting those $#@$% screws off! I nearly stripped one of them. So I know your pain and I completely understand. Do you have a partner to help? What I did was have someone help brace the machine still while I used long handled screwdriver and I took a hammer and tapped and tapped that screwdriver head into the screw and with all my might I pushed down and turned slowly and the screw came out. It was a little scary but I did it. Now I would recommend a strong person do this. You don't want the screwdriver to slip off or it could scratch the paint. Just take it easy. Have someone help you. Now if you can't get these suckers to budge, there are other options. Anyway, hang in there girl. I'm pullin' for ya!! Shana

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