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Lets Play What's on Your Frame

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Here is what I've been doing the last couple of weeks. I took time to do what I like best. Making for others. I did the 3 Winnie the Pooh panels for Hospice (Children's summer camp), 10 little ones (most are 24" by 24") for the neonatal unit at Shands HHospital in Jacksonville FL and 7 pillows cases for Kon Cerr at Wolfson's Childrens Hospital also in Jacksonville.

A friend gave me a ton of stars she had cut out and suqares to put them on. This is only a fraction of what she gave me.

Oh my I left out the matching outfits I made for Miss Evie and Mr. Evan. These are not in the photo.


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Debbie you are so sweet. Those sweeties are my grandchidlren. We have another set of twins and total of 12 grands and one greatgrand daughter. Gee that makes me tired, Thanks abot the star mofits.

I'm retired and get to sew all day in my studio or pllay in the garden! Housework will always wait on you!

I just counted the stars, I have left! 210!!!!:mad::D:D

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<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/J0LAP5jvcfrv1j-M1OZJfg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_2kRJ_9kwzV0/TAZ5DJeF9QI/AAAAAAAAAQo/1GhpI0lulCA/s400/IMG_3315.JPG" /></a>

Nothing special, but the DGD likes them. The one above was a top I bought of ebay, to practice with, Ended up using the CL swirls

The one below was a panel, which I was going to try and quilt around all the flowers, etc but got lost and ended up doing a meander.

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Rz2pMPrAslbsxc18vq_iFw?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2kRJ_9kwzV0/TAZ4WZDLO4I/AAAAAAAAAQg/aqJAQvlT9vc/s800/IMG_3317.JPG" /></a>

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This is a work in progress, making it up as I go along. My eldest soon loves anything Japanese, So I am making hime a quilt with oriental panels and fabrics. I still have the borders to add, before I quilt. Not sure how to quilt it yet, but think I will use the CL Clamshell ?

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-FoLyE0QZnHaHA47MBF96g?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_2kRJ_9kwzV0/TAZ52y7outI/AAAAAAAAARA/ohzqRhbkMJc/s800/IMG_3320.JPG" /></a>

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/HE1hEmIBUhdJh-n3pPlUmg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_2kRJ_9kwzV0/TAZ5q0v2k7I/AAAAAAAAAQ0/y1eYalGrcvg/s800/IMG_3319.JPG" /></a>

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I have a new wholecloth on the frame right now. My DMIL has been bagging for one for her bed. I finished the feather motifs and had to unzip it so I could do a customer quilt (or two). Can't wait to zip it back onto my Mille (MaryAnn) and get going on the background fills. This puppy is HUGE 105 x 105, but it's gonna be awsome if I say so myself. Already looks cool with just the motifs done. Here's a pic of the corner

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Kath, if you got that pink quil top off ebay you did GOOD! You also did really well with your CL swirls! Was it hard? Also, your Japanese quilt is beautiful. Can't wait to see how you decide to quilt it out.

Karie, keep posting pictures of the whole cloth! It is stunning already. Can't imagine what you have planned to add!

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I finally got this on the millie yesterday. Now I need to get started quilting it. Yep it's another lonestar and you are right. It's not square. This will be the 4th one I've quilted and the second for this gal. Custom butterfiles and flowers and leaves. Once I got this far I stopped and made 5 more pillow cases for Wolfson's Chrildren Hospital! I'll start quiilting tomorrow


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