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hope to get a Lenni


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I saw my first longarm in June and instantly wanted one. I've tried different machines and love the Lenni. Hubby is behind me but wants to see/touch a Lenni before we jump in and buy. Is there anyone in the Sacramento, ca area that has a Lenni he can see.

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Hi Connie,

I think that if you were able to test drive a Millie you're husband the engineer would be suitably impressed. If you go to the APQS home page www.apqs.com and then click on Find a Dealer, you should quickly find someone in your area that can let you take a test drive. Even if your local rep doesn't own a Lenni, they may know of someone nearby that would be willing to show theirs to you.

Good luck, and have fun!

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Well, I don't know. The construction is the same (materials used) but Lenni is so much lighter. And, I hope no one is upset with me when I say, easier to use than the Millie. Like I said before I didn't get my husband to look at any machine. I did all the research and "touching" and after touching so many I bought the Lenni sight-unseen. I could just read about the construction and knew the company was so solid and that was it for me. Also their resale value was high and that rang a bell for me. If it helps, my friend bought a Freedom SR and her husband is an engineer and he is just tickled pink with her purchase. He thinks she "did good" in her selection. He didn't look at her's either. He did like I did and read all about it online and told her to call and order it. I think the fact that it is built in the USA played a large part in both our selections and, of course, this forum. Why not have him call and speak to Mark or Dave Jones (Deloa's hubby). I think if he spoke to someone he would be ok with your purchase sight-unseen. If you lived closer you could spend a day with me.:D Are you coming to MS soon?

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Thanks Sylvia for your thoughts. I've read so much good advice here for the past month and finally decided to join too. For some reason he wants to SEE one himself. Guess it's the cost that is haunting him. He has checked the web out some.

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Hello Connie. I have a deposit on a Lenni and (fingers crossed) I'm hoping it will ship on Aug. 2nd. The suggestion to check to see if there is an APQS dealer near you is a good one. That's what I did. My local rep invited me for a "play" date and I got to try out both the Lenni and the Millie. She spent hours with me and was just wonderful...answered all of my questions and then some! Making such a big investment is a very personal choice but I'm sure you'll decide what's right for you. I spent many, many hours doing research and trying out other machines that I could drive to see. I decided on the Lenni because it just felt right for me...very easy to use and the stitch quality is beautiful. Good luck in your search and decision!

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I don't blame husbands for wanting to see for themselves before buying, heck would they ever buy a car without a test drive. That is just the sensible man, and why we love them! I know he will be more than satisfied once he gets to see a machine. Lenni, Millenium, which ever one you get to see they are all made with the same quality and workmanship. yes the Mille has more bells and whistles than the Lenni but the construction is just the same. That is why I bought my Lenni the workmanship was so far superior to other comparably priced machines. So you get the best of both worlds, a superior crafted professional machine at a price more reasonable to the hobbiest. I only quilt for myself and donation quilts so I didn't feel I needed or could justify the added expense for all the bells and whistles of the higher price machines. Now if I ever win the lottery no question about it I would order the newest, latest and greatest APQS that was then on the market, till then though I am very happy with my Lenni of almost 2 years now. I hope you find a machine to test out.

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I have visited the dealer in the area, Brandy Rice. She let me play with her Millie. Unfortunatlly she dosen't have a Lenni. I'm convinced it's Lenni I want but then I got to play with one at a quilt show in Reno at the end of June. Just hoping to satisfy hubbies need to see the little guy.

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Connie, I have a Lenni that I got in mid May 2010 and my husband who is also an engineer was impressed with its solid table and set up. I replaced a next generation Grace frame with a Husqvarna mega quilter machine and it is like night and day between the 2 set ups. Lenni is just so solid and well made in comparison. Canada is along way from California so I cannot offer a test drive but so far, I have been impressed with Lenni and the APQS organization. Good luck!!


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