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how to start a LA group

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Well since I am very new at la I feel I could benefit from some kind of group but no group in my area. There are a few ladies that do this around me but have only met one and didn't get a good feeling when I introduced myself (like I was going to steal business or something)

I told her right up front that wasn't my intention and was just looking for a group. Any how there is another lady I am going to meet and approach about getting together. I really don't have any ideas about what happens at these kind of gatherings besides learning from each others experiences. Any suggestions?

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it's the same as a quilt guild, but without all the business/fees: show and tell/demo/FOOD! the only difference is everyone has some kind of stand up quilting machine....plus you get to see their 'studio'

each group can set their 'rules' and make it as formal or informal as each id comfortable with...

i read a blog where the long armers actually made it offical and have a guild and just got done with their show...

plus it gets you out of your house, and sometimes being around like-minded people will get your creative spark a jump start...it's like a power boost for your spirit...

at least that's what i heard :)

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Well, I guess our rules here at the Moxies are, there are no rules. We get together about every 3 to 4 months. I am fairly new to the group, just a couple of years. I met some of the group at Innovations and just kind of became a member.

We usually meet on Saturdays but did meet on Sundays for awhile to accommodate a member who worked and couldn't make Saturday meetings. We have a LOT of fun. Most of our members live in Washington and Oregon although we have had members come from as far away as New York. Everyone is welcome with or without a stand up machine. We usually meet about 10:00 AM til about 3:00 PM or whenever we feel like ending. We bring food for a pot luck lunch, which is always delicious. What do we do?? We have a LOT of fun! Basically, we do whatever we want. We share new tools or ideas. Those in business might share a tactic or two. We bring show and tell to see what everyone is doing. We advise each other for machine issues, technique issues, tool issues and whatever. We offer encouragment to each other. We have a LOT of fun. Sometimes we have a set project (fabric dying, inking, fills, etc.) The time just flies by too fast. Did I mention we have a LOT of fun!!!

Here is what I would do to start. Invite the one or two other quilters to your studio for a get together. Suggest they bring a show and tell item. Suggest they bring a little dessert to nibble on and share. Suggest they bring another quilter (someone with or without a longarm ). I'll bet you'll be amazed at the response. Number one-every quilter likes to snoop at another's studio and work. Number two - quilters will always have common interests to talk about. Number three - most quilters I know are the most generous and best people I know. I can actually think of just one exception to that (but that's another story.)

The bottom line is just go for it. You'll never know if it will work in your area unless you initiate it. Just have a LOT of fun!

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We have a longarm quilters get together twice a year in Western Australia. We meet in different LA's homes each time, and pay a small sum towards the cost of a lunch. It is great fun catching up with everyone, and we are all willing to offer advice and help if anyone has any issues they need solving. We also invite those LA's who sell thread to bring their wares to the meeting so we can buy up!

It's a very informal meeting and when I first started as a newbie, I was amazed that I was amongst all these talented ladies! It was like water to a thirsty plant to me as I hadn't had any contact with any LA's in the first 11months of having my first machine. I was in awe of them all!


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If your LQS or Joann's has a public announcement board, post some info about a potential group with your contact email and/or phone number. Maybe not limit it to longarmers, but included DSM quilters and longarm wannabees. If you get a huge response, hand off the DSM-ers to an enthusiastic responder to start a separate group.

The Moxies are flexible in that all are welcome to come for one visit or all--very informal. Sometimes the group is huge--up to 30--and I think one winter session we had only 12. We shoot for 4 times a year and try to set a date and place for the next meeting at the end of the present meeting. So far it has worked well and it is so hard to miss a meeting--you know there is fun and sharing going on!

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I meet for lunch with a group of Long armers every couple of months. These ladies are not threatened by each other as some are in my area. I love these gals because we all help each other and if one lady is slammed we will call each other to see who can help out. Its really nice. There are a few Quiltzillas around here that will walk into a quilt shop and start picking other LAers work that is displayed or gossiping. But this group of ladies I deal with are not like that and we have fun. We share new things and finds, usage of threads etc and have a panto exchange. There is more than enough business is my area so we don't feel like we are eating into each others business.

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