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This is just a pet peeve of mine. With as many needles as I've replaced so far, I should be able to do this with my eyes closed, but... With all the wonderful things they can do with these fabulous machines, why can't they engineer the needles and the needles shaft(?) with a flat side so they can go in just one way? I know, there are other companies that use these needles and the added cost of changing the design, plus "yada, yada, yada" but.... It would make life so much easier for people like me who have a tendency to try to go over several seam intersections all the time. Can you tell I'm a little frustrated after changing another needle? Just needed to vent. Thanks

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Vent away, Sheryl!!!

How can we make it easier to insert the needle correctly? We need a needle holder-inserter thingie where you place the needle in the holder exactly as you want it in the machine--with the bulge at the front. Put it in the holder correctly and you get it in the needle bar correctly. I have seen these maybe from Nancy's Notions or Clotilde. If not, we can invent one! :P

Hang in there and vent when you need to--otherwise you will explode!;)

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I have a hard time with this teeny tiny needle screw, no matter if it is on the right or left side, it is a pain the butt to tighten, especially with bad wrists...and if you don't tighten tight, the needle falls out, breaks, gets stuck in the bobbin area somewhere, throws out timing, makes burrs, etc etc etc.....boy feels great to let out steam!

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

Vent away, Sheryl!!!

We need a needle holder-inserter thingie where you place the needle in the holder exactly as you want it in the machine--with the bulge at the front. Put it in the holder correctly and you get it in the needle bar correctly. I have seen these maybe from Nancy's Notions or Clotilde.

I know needle holders are made for sergers. Perhaps take one of your old needles with you and check at a sewing shop to see if the serger tool will hold our APQS needles.

I had to get my manual out every time I changed a needle so that I could look at the picture and see which way the needle goes in. Then it struck me, "bumps in the front". I put the needle in with the bump in the front as best as I can, put a pin through the eye to hold it, and tighten the screw.

Now if APQS really wants to get me excited they will introduce a remote controlled automatic needle threader so that when the thread comes out of the needle, and I'm at the back of the machine, I can push a button and won't have to walk around to the front to rethread! :P:P:cool:;):D

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