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Moxie's do it again!!

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I AM SO EXCITED!. I can't believe you wonderful people would have a mini meeting for me. It has been forever since I was to a meeting. I will try to do some picking up so we have counter top space and do some cleaning in the studio but have to be on jury duty until 5 today and work the next couple of days so it won't be spic and span like my mom would have done. LOL. I will have a jug of fresh sun tea made and we will have ice and if anyone wants coffee I will be glad to make it. See you soon!

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Linda, you are right. It was a great shindig. Sorry I had to miss the demo Patty Jo but I did see it at Beth's.

Linda, did you post your baked bean recipe yet? I really don't want to miss that one.

Shar, thanks for the puffed carmel corn recipe. I can't wait to try it.

Can't wait for the next meeting.

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To all of you who graced my home last night with laughter, food and hugs, THANK YOU!!! I had such a good time. My studio is still filled with the energy of the laughter. The food was great as always and I loved getting to see the eye candy. I am still humbled you would all come over and share an evening. Thank you again!

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Dang....Well I knew a Linda had made it.....I got part of it right.

Bekah it was so much fun. And I even transferred Linda's dealybobber to he right purse and delivered it. I think I should get extra points for that. Thanks to Jim and Bev for the great ham. Bekah's potatoes were so yummy. Melora's pie was over the top good. And the potential for so many desserts came out of the ensuing conversation about the recipe. Sooooooo easy! Pat's bean salad was great and Deb brought yummy fillers to make the meal complete. I had to hold myself back not to stick the olives on my fingers like my kids used to do. LOL...ok I am still a kid at heart. It was great to see Leslie and Brenda and Alisha too. All in all too much fun for a Thursday.

Don't forget the next Moxie gathering the first Saturday of October. Yayyyyyy

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