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Big Brother is watching - poor judgment

Guest Linda S

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Originally posted by Bonnie

Originally posted by Janette

I just googled my name and was also surprised to find that I am on a database for directors and company secretaries in the UK credit checks. The fact that I have never been a director or company secretary though astounds me that I could appear on this list. I know this is not relevant to this apqs/facebook transfer of data, but it certainly makes you wonder what people can post about you without your permission !!!!!

Are you sure it's you and not someone with the same name. I was so surprised to find that there are TWO other Bonnie Botts's here in NY. I figured till then my name was pretty unique. Only difference is middle name.

No Bonnie, because right underneath was my home address !!!!! I have emailed them to remove my details.

But to get back to the relevant point, of course the post about improbable quilt names was a bit of fun, and only because some random lady reading the facebook link took offence to words such as "bitch" this has become an issue.

I think the main surprise to many members is that there actually are links to facebook to these forum posts, and also to members private blogs too. Which could be good advertising of course, but some people may object to having their blog linked to facebook without their permission.

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Originally posted by KathG

Bonnie, several years ago I found out that i was living in a different town in the UK, My full name is Kathleen Elizabeth Garvey and there is another with my exact name living about 150 miles from me. Over here in the UK there is a website called 192.com. If you put your name in there people might be surprised how many of us have the same name. I have found at least 5 Kathleen Garvey's in the UK alone.



Kath, that is scary...there are 79 people in the UK with my name and I am NOT one of them....:P:P:P:P

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I have followed this thread, and understand about the public/private forum. And it's our forum, not theirs to object to our site.

I just want to know why anyone would object to others having fun with words..? Sort of immature to my way of thinking.

I'm glad I'm not a member of their site, or guild etc. to be judged as though I'm a grade school student.

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Originally posted by Borderline Quilter

Originally posted by KathG

Bonnie, several years ago I found out that i was living in a different town in the UK, My full name is Kathleen Elizabeth Garvey and there is another with my exact name living about 150 miles from me. Over here in the UK there is a website called 192.com. If you put your name in there people might be surprised how many of us have the same name. I have found at least 5 Kathleen Garvey's in the UK alone.



Kath, that is scary...there are 79 people in the UK with my name and I am NOT one of them....:P:P:P:P

79 !!! I know one thing, I bet none of them can use a long arm like you can:)

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Linda, you are wrong about what is said in Longarm chat stays in Longarm chat. Several years ago I said something in private to someone in the chat room and it was printed out and sent to the person I was talking about....... with the addition that "see, not everyone likes you" and all I said was "I wish she would just go away" . That is why I left that forum.

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It is a sad fact that we have to be so on guard about being PC in our opinions, humor, likes and dislikes, info, etc. We really are living in the "Brave New World" and anything can be taken and twisted to use against us. It is enough to make anyone paranoid. Guess we can only be at ease if we are speaking directly to another and have checked the room for bugs and cameras or are out in the middle of the wilderness. .... but then the satellites can zoom in on us. Is the problem that too many people are contentious and look for things to be offended about? No longer is there live and let live. It all seems to be about judging what one doesn't personally agree with. I guess we will have to post disclaimers whenever we use sarcasm. I am going to go looking for my Soma right now. I am in need of a healthy dose. By the way that was sarcasm.

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