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air compressor question

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At some point, I read here that there is a certain tip/end for the air compressor hose that we should be using to clean our machines. Did I dream this??? I can't find it when I search here. My DH has agreed to let me move his air compressor from the garage to under my table.;) I don't want to mess Lenni up blowing to "much" air at her but am tired of using canned air. TIA

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Our air compressor is bolted to the garage floor and the portable one was just too noisy. I bought a container to fill tires up at the auto parts store and my son put a hose and nozzle on it and I just go to the garage and fill it up. That way if I'm quilting and hubby is trying to watch TV or sleep as I sometimes quilt when I can't sleep, I can still blow mine out. I can put about 100 psi on the tank and it lasts me quite a while, usually a week depening on what batting, thread and fabric I'm using.


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