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getting rid of markings!

tightly wound

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We have had many posts lamenting the use of yellow chalk for marking--and all are frantic because it doesn't remove easily. Yellow chalk is meant to be used as tailor's chalk--meaning it is used to mark darts and hems where it won't show after construction. Do an archive search for a multitude of removal solutions--everything from alcohol to Melora and her famous pressure-washer.

So sorry you are experiencing this....

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As Linda stated....it doesn't come out easy. Each type has a different method so research and find the correct one. The only one I used years ago was wax based and it's still in the quilt. It never even budged when washed or dry cleaned. Dry cleaning isn't something i would ever suggest for a quilt because of the batting choices, but it was a mess so it could only get worse. I just thank god it was one of my own and not a customers.

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