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I have read that bearding disappears with either a wash or a tumble dry? is that right?

I have been working on a quilt with moda marble backing (navy) and Hobbs 80/20 and have had pretty bad bearding. I don't really fancy getting a needle out at the end of the quilt and pushing it all back in.

I obviously don't want to wash the quilt before it goes back to my customer, but was just wondering if maybe a tumble dry would be a good or bad idea....?????

Otherwise I will be tyring to push them back in or snip the big ones off.....


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Hi Janette. What I know of bearding - it comes only after a quilt has been washed and it is a symptom of certain types of batting. What it sounds like, is that you are having the 'pokies'. And yes, I have heard that washing helps to push the pokies back in.

I have used a needle to nudge them back in, and I've also used a marker to 'dot' the pokies so they won't show. But you have to be careful here, I used a 'sharpie' once and had it show up on the other side. Others may help here as to what type of marker that is the best one to use.

I also find that using a batik, or tightly woven backing (like a sheet) seems to make the pokies show up more than regular cotton backs.

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Hi Janette

Cannot help you with the washing or tumble dryer. I use Hobbs 80/20 a lot and have thankfully not had that problem yet.

I loved the feel of Hobbs wool/bamboo batting but won't use that again as I had terrible bearding with that.

Sorry I'm not much help.

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Kath - Yes! It is important which way you lay the batting. I buy mine on a roll, so I know the inside (if it is folded like fabric) goes down on the quilt backing and the right side is facing up. Once I learned this, I never had a problem with the pokies on my bamboo batting - which I had problems with before. I like the analogy of pimples and dimples :), but I can't really tell what is what when I look at the batting.

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I recently quilted with legacy 80/20, backing is red mostly, & it bearded. The quilt is gift to a friend so I washed it, bearding is gone.

Today, I finished a show quilt, fabrics are all batiks & backing is Sew Batik wide. I used QD wool & QD cotton select, it bearded. I don't plan on washing the quilt, I do have to block it. I tried dark blue Identi pen, seemed to work since the backing is blue also. I stll have to be careful because some fabrics of the qult top are lighter.


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I did quite a bit of testing on this and found for me it didn't matter which way up the wadding was. Some combinations of thread / fabric / wadding seem to cause it. Sometimes changing the needle helps but not always. They do however pull in after washing. Unfortunately a lot of my customers can't imagine ever washing a quilt. Seems strange to me but that's how they feel about it. I also found some threads were quite likely to pull wadding to the top of the quilt. I wondered if it was something about the twist on the thread as it would often just be one specific cone of a colour I used a lot.


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