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Help with design ideas please

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I mainly do pantos so am always filled with trepidation when asked to do something else on a quilt. On this one, for a regular customer, she wants simple/light custom - mainly to keep the signature areas unquilted. What would you suggest. I am appalling at feathers!

Thanks for any and all suggestions!


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Quilt down all the cream with matching thread and your favorite filler. The smaller the filler the more the focus will be on the hearts. SID around the signature rectangle and to further accent it, stitch a frame with the cream thread a quarter-inch inside--even if it does stitch over a bit of the writing. You'll be happy with that small accent which will make the sigs even more noticeable.

Ditto Madelyn's suggestion for the sashing and frames. A lovely sashing design for the dark fabric would be half-hearts to mimic the hearts in the piecing. If you ribbon them it would add interest and make the design denser. Let me know if you want a visual--I don't have anything to use to draw on the photo....

The heart needs less stitching--if you stitch a small filler in the cream they don't need SID unless you are so inclined. Perhaps follow the direction of the seams with three parallel lines in each strip and a curve at the ends to keep it soft--like a water meander. Invisible thread like Monolon would allow you to stitch all the bright fabrics with the same thread.

Very pretty memory quilt!

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Linda, thanks for the suggestions. I'd love a visual if you get a chance.

Thanks Madelyn!

Cheri, she had everyone sign the muslin before she pieced the blocks. I hope it works out OK as she told them to use any permanent marker and some look like Sharpie. When I have done signature quilts I have them write their names/message on paper and use freezer paper on the back of the block for stability and a light box to transfer the signatures using a pigma micron pen. That way I know the signatures will be properly set and if need be I can photocopy the signature to make smaller or larger to fit the block. Some people can only sign over the marked seam allowance it seems :mad:. I have seen quilts signed after completion with a pigma micron pen. You are supposed to heat set the signature tho' and I don't know how successful that is on a quilt already quilted.

Sandra, thanks. I'll tell her you like it.

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I've done several of this type of quilt from weddings, baby showers, etc and what Linda says is the best way to do a memorable job and make the quilting beautiful without taking away from the autographs. I love this Job!!!!---grasshopper

P.S. I've seen the blocks done at the tables,in sewn blocks, in pieces, if a rowdy crowd at a sign in (not out Ha Ha) table. Just any way you feel they'll put the writing in the right spot and in the given area.

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Since I am new at this, i copied a border/sashing pattern that I liked and then put it between 2 pieces of plexiglass that rests on the leveling bar and front bar. then use my lasor light and follow along. it works great! I love the sashing drawing Linda added, I'll have to practice drawing them.

so much to learn!!

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