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NQR Rain for sure NOW! Picture added

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We are about 34 inches short of rain for the last 3 years. We really need rain so bad!!! Now Beryl is on his way! Winds only about 40 to 50 miles per hour. Should start raining tomorrow late afternoon.! Hope this will put out our fires!!!!

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Thanks for the good thoughts! We are getting a lot of wind right now. Had one slight shower a while ago. I'm trying to decide if I should sew or paint! We got the ceiling painted yesterday in my addition to the studio and I really need to start painting the walls. I'm a little concerned, if I start painting and the lights go out, I won't have water to get clean. I usually get as much paint on me as I do the walls! LOL

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Hi everyone! We are safe! We lost the lights at 9:30 last night and it just came back on 1:30.Bobby spent the entire morning working on the generator and getting it started! Amelia Island has lots of trees and large limbs down. They said that most of us will have power within 48 hours. We are so lucky! A house down the street has a huge pine tree lying right down the middle of the roof. No one was hurt. The return visit hasn't made it here yet. Waiting to see what else it can do!

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Dell yes that looks like a mess. I'm glad you are safe. Hopefully the 2nd round won't be too bad. I hate when those buggers do a loop and come back at you again. We were in NC when Floyd hit and he hit us 3 times. We got off very lucky. Inland was a mess because of flooding. It took a long time for them to recover. We just had to deal with no power for 3 1/2 days.

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Originally posted by Anette D.

It sounds like you're OK. How are things today?

We are getting a steady soaking of rain! We need this so bad! I hope Patty is getting some over on the panhandle! Thanks for checking iin on us, Anette!

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Originally posted by Anette D.


I hope the rain continues slow and steady. I also hope that Patty gets some rain in the same way.

How close are you to Orlando? I have family there.

I'm about 3 hours away. Amelia Island is Northwest of Jacksonville! Just east of 95!

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Originally posted by delld

We are getting a steady soaking of rain! We need this so bad! I hope Patty is getting some over on the panhandle! Thanks for checking iin on us, Anette!

Not a drop over here, unfortunately. But thanks for hoping for us!

Hopefully it won't linger over the east for too long and wreak havoc.

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