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Meet Ozzie

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Originally posted by Deb2bie

I wonder if the people who turned in Otto knew he was ill. WE bought a dog, (very inexpensive) when we picked him up after moving in to our house from an apt., they "mentioned" he had heart worms and we might want to have him checked out. Well, $75 later he was treated!!! Now remember this was 1972, we were newly weds, baby on the way, DH was in pilot training in the Air Force and we didn't have 2c to rub together let alone $75 for vet bills. Just made me think of this story when I read Otto was a rescue and discovered cancer so quickly.

@ debbie - i dont think so...otto was rescued after being abandoned in a NYC basement. cancer symptoms didn't show up for 6 months or so. but, even if they did, john says he wouldn't change a thing. they were buds and he was happy to have helped him. :)

& now he has ozzie - who is so different but just as awesome!

@linda - your ozzie is a cutie, too!

thanks again everybody! xoxoxo

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