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My goofy day!update~Quilt finished and on it's way!

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Guest Linda S

I had to find something other than a seam ripper because I always seemed to be grabbing one of the fibers in the fabric with it. I tend to keep my thread tensions (both bobbin and top thread) pretty tight, so I have lovely stitches, but they are a bear and a half to get out. The crochet hook makes it so easy to snag them and pull them out. Not only that, but if you have customers who don't trim their threads (like we have any of those!) and you end up with dark threads behind white piecing, you can work that hook in the seam line and get the stray thread out easily.

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Linda, you crack me up..."grab and growl"!!! I have a small crochet hook. I'll have to get it out next time I need to rip stitches. Thanks for the tip!

Dell - so sorry that you had to frog...been there, done that and it's no fun. The panto you're using is really cute. Do we get to see the quilt top when you're finished?

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I can't wait to see this when you have it all done. Your quilting is so pretty that it is a shame when you have to rip it out! Love that panto....I might have to check that one out............:D I haven't had as much trouble getting called away and then forgetting to reposition, what I have done many times is forget to change my thread when I'm using more than one color......and of course that's after I have done a super nice job with some free-hand quilting and then it has to come out and get re-done! :mad: :cool:

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Okay gals, the quilt is done and gone! Going to a gal battling CANCER. The girls that made the quilt call themselves something about cows. The gal taught school so I did the Apple orchard panto and bead board in the orange border. When I was stitching the panto I got carried away and stitched a curl and a leaf in the border. I liked that so I continued doing that leave and curl all the way down the sides. Then I did the reverse curls. The gal that put this together has never made a quilt and the outside small black strip was suppose the be the binding. So I suggested to use it as a border and bind it in black The block I nailed down with a tiny stipple and triple stitched MOO. The backing is lime green minky!!

Thanks for sharing my "PAIN" in frogging!!!! LOL

Here are the pictures. Click on the pictures and it will take to webshots so you can see better

<a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2768867040105608746MeFpZd"><img src="http://thumb6.webshots.net/t/90/90/8/67/4/2768867040105608746MeFpZd_th.jpg" alt="007"></a><a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2455553380105608746TJAVqs"><img src="http://thumb6.webshots.net/t/87/187/5/53/38/2455553380105608746TJAVqs_th.jpg" alt="008"></a><a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2280864790105608746HQPrit"><img src="http://thumb6.webshots.net/t/87/187/8/64/79/2280864790105608746HQPrit_th.jpg" alt="006"></a><a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2257757850105608746hZWHAU"><img src="http://thumb6.webshots.net/t/90/90/7/57/85/2257757850105608746hZWHAU_th.jpg" alt="010"></a><a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2657163400105608746lgjGcw"><img src="http://thumb6.webshots.net/t/86/86/1/63/40/2657163400105608746lgjGcw_th.jpg" alt="012"></a>

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Dell, what a bummer. I am glad your done and back on your way to quilting. You gals have some great ideas on frogging. Knock on wood, I have not had to do a large section yet. I am sure sooner or later I will have to. LOL I will keep this in my favorites to refer back to.

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