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flowers and baskets oh my.....

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Hi everyone,

First time on the new forum so I hope the picture up loads......i have these very dark green (hand dyed I am told) squares and triangles surrounding these embroidered flower baskets.....i am a bit worried about fabric bleeding - this quilt top is over 20 years old......and did I mention that the embroidery has been "backed" with light interfacing?

My plan so far - SID around white blocks, stipple around and inside embroidery and that's as far as I got...I was thinking about curved cross hatching in the squares to continue the basket theme but what how do you work with the setting triangles to keep things looking consistent? Does anyone have any thoughts or have you done something like this before....



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I do like Charlotte does with quilts like this. I find a motif or feather wreath in the solid blocks and then just do a half or quarter in the triangles. If you want to go with the cross hatch idea you could split the square in quarters on the diagonal, like of like an orange peel design and then fill in with curved cross hatching. I'm not sure if that makes sense to you or not but it is clear as mud in my mind :-). Let me know if you need me to draw what I mean.

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Feather wreaths are going to be the fastest. There is one of these on MQResource...search baskets...its fairly recent. I have one on the frame now. I think the dark green overpowers the embroidered baskets, in my opinion, so I would not make matters worse by a lot of quilting that would draw attention away from the embroidery. The one I am working on is set with pastel blue, so its not as overwhelming. I am thinking about just putting something like a daisy motif in the center of the blocks, with a half-daisy in the setting triangles. Just a simple sraight line frame, maybe double rows of stitching echoing the block, maybe three rows of stitching, with pearls in the center section like the one on MQResource, which is outstanding.

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