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MQX reports

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Alright, all of you lucky folks who went to MQX it's time to tell us all about it. How were your classes? What was the most useful thing you learned? What new toys did you see? What did you buy? Any fabulous quilt pictures? Etc, etc, and so forth. Those of us who didn't go want to live vicariously through you.


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Classes were great, quilts were beautiful, very pleased. This being my very first MQX Festival and first longarm classes, I have to say they presented a great show. I feel a little more confident now. Took classes from Linda Taylor, Deloa Jones, Sally Terry and our own Dawn Cavanaugh. I learned a lot. I have pics on my phone...not sure how to get them on here.

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i took classes with Jamie Wallen, Dawn Cavanaugh, Angela Walters, Lisa Sipes and Elaine Huffman.  wow, my brain hurt after taking 6 classes, but I would have taken more if I could have fit it in.  My favorite teachers and classes were Jamie Wallen and Dawn Cavanaugh, both are incredible teachers, patient, kind but also willing to challenge you to bring you to the next level by giving you feedback that was helpful.   I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be taught by two amazing people!


as for goodies - i didn't see anything new from a gadget perspective that was a must have.  I bought  a few straight rulers, some pantos from willow leaf and anne bright, 2 of jamie's DVD's, magnifico thread from superior to try, and a set of leader grips.  

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I had such a fabulous time!  I took classes from Jamie Wallen, Page Johnson, Deloa Jones, Dan Novak and was supposed to have taken one with Valerie Schlake.... Imagine my horror when i showed up to the classroom at 4:00 and the class was at 1!  oy.  I don't know what I was thinking!  oh well, maybe next year.


I met Gypsyquilter quickly when I tried to steal her machine in Jamie Wallen's class... whoops... .sorry about that LOL.  I swear I didn't see your bag on the back of the machine.  I was just focused on the pretty green color fabric on the front....


As for goodies.. I got a few rulers from Jamie's class, a curve crosshatch ruler from Deloa, a 120inch center out tape measure and a set of leadergrips.  OH!  and I discovered the magna-glide bobbins!  LOVE THEM!


In Jamie Wallen's class, he talked about tension and how to tame the monster by using three tests.  I did them when I got home and the "railroad tracks" I had been getting when sewing from front to back were completely gone!  I backed off my bobbin tension a half turn and viola'.  all fixed!  He has a video on youtube that describes his three tests if you search his name and longarm tension. 


It was a wonderful time!  I can't wait for next year to load up on classes again! (ahem... and this time... make sure I get there. :wacko: )


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I had a much needed vacation at MQX so I probably wouldn't have cared if it was a great show or not  :D LOL  It was a good show and I enjoyed looking at all the eye candy and looking for new ideas for quilting that space.  I for one will be happy to see the crystal phase phase out.  I gravitate toward the traditional quilting and I love quilts where the quilting is the show but not the thread.  I had classes from Lisa Calle, Sally Terry and Angela Walters.  I loved them all. It is always good to go and take something outside of your box to get the creative juices flowing again.  I got to catch up with Deloa Jones and Jamie Wallen which is always great.  As for new buys well you're going to get me in trouble if my hubby sees this!  I got more of Lisa Calle's rulers, 5 to be exact, a stencil and book from Sally Terry, Rope A Dope corner guides, scissors, thread and fabric.  I've decided that I'm not going to be quilting for customers for a while and I want to challenge myself a little.  I bought some silk to make a wall hanging and silk thread to go with it.  I really wanted all the silk thread but I knew I'd be in huge trouble if I did that!  Charlotte was my roommate again this year and we took a side trip to Mardens in Maine.  You can get cotton fabric for $4.99 or less a yard!  It is discontinued lines usually but you can find some really good deals if you hit it at the right time.  I got a bolt of white 60" wide muslin for $40, there is probably at least 15 yards of fabric on it.  We also took a ride up to Keepsake.  I've never been there and that was fun, although their prices aren't cheap  :( .  I did manage to finally narrow down my selections for a quilt for my bedroom which will get started at some point either this summer or fall.  My goal is to have two show quilts this year, we'll see.  All in all you can see I had a good time!

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I had a good time with Heidi as my roommate and the driver of the getaway car.  Jamie Wallen was awarded Teacher of the Year!!! That was great. It was fun to look at the quilts. I took a class with DeLoa on rulers and another ruler class with John Kubiniec. I bought some pantos and also got rulers from DeLoa.

 I bought a lot of fabric at Marden's. They give a generous yard and when I figured it out I bought 22 1/2 yards and came home with an extra 5 yds.  I got a bolt of fabric for $15 and there has to be about 20 yds on the bolt. The store was in Sandford, Maine and really worth the side trip.

I met Ann from PA and got to talk to her. I saw Anne from VT. I watched a partial row of quilts fall down. I saw Vickie's quilt and loved the quilting on it.  It was a good show and I am glad it is back in New Hampshire.

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Melissa, I'm glad you tried to steal my machine in that class, other wise I never would have met you in person :-)  funny how life works some times.  i loved Jamie's class, it was great.  CAN't wait to go again next year!!



I met Gypsyquilter quickly when I tried to steal her machine in Jamie Wallen's class... whoops... .sorry about that LOL.  

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I took classes with Angela Walters, Lisa Sipes, and Dawn--I think I learned the most drom Dawn's class because it's outside of my usual "modern" stuff.  I love quilting, so I want to be able to do it all.  Next year I plan to take more classes with ruler work and other stuff.  I have alot of great ideas to transition back and forth, which is super exciting!  I didn't find a ton of gadgets but did have a blast looking at all the quilts and seeing the amazing work represented.  And I bought lots of thread.  Lots.  

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