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Machine continues to drag -

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A few weeks ago Dawn helped me with drag on my machine.  She had me loosen the crosspipes under the table, move the carriage back and forth and retighten.   It seemed to help some.


Then I did pebbles on a Carpenter's Square quilt.  The spaces were 1" square and every other inch across the quilt.  I began to realize the differences of drag across the quilt.   Also I had realized that when doing pantos the row closest to the back of the machine dragged badly but the next row closer to the front was easier.  


I called Amy and she suggested I document the places where it dragged and email to her.  Have not heard back yet.  She said it sounded like the table rather than wheels.   I rechecked the table and bought a long level.  Everything seems ok to me.


My husband and I decided to loosen the cross pipes and the bolts that connect the rails to the ends of the table.   Used the long level and checked all areas and then retightened.


Reread the install directions and troubleshooting directions and tinkered with the cams.  Perhaps one was slightly at a different position than the other cam but they are now the same and it didn't seem to help.


Have done two pantos.  My last quilt was 90" wide.  At each side the machine moves freely and as I move left (from the back) it begins to drag badly, eases up a bit through the middle and by the time I get to the left end it moves freely in any direction. 


This problem is really impacting learning feathers, curves, backtracking, etc.  I turned down several quilts last year because I didn't think I could do a good job on them.  


The troubleshooting instructions that Amy sent say you should be able to push the carriage and it will move to the other end of the table.  Mine moves about to the middle of the table.


I also found debris below the wheels on the carriage.  Looks like the finish where the wheels rest on the rail is flaking off.





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Sorry for your frustration.

The debris from the wheels is most likely oxidation from the aluminum rails. If you have M&M wheels, the flaking is dramatic. The oxidation builds up to a layer that then can fall off in pieces. It's not the wheels wearing, it just gunk. I have good luck using a piece of dry poly batting to get off most of the black and many follow up with a swipe with an alcohol treated cloth.

I had drag on the left side (from the front) as you describe and it was caused by defective M&M wheels. If you have M&Ms with yellow around the axle they may have bad bearings and you can get them replaced without charge. Though I imagine if you talked to Amy that was discussed first thing.

Just a thought, but is your leveler roller lower on the bad side? 

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Donna:  What machine do you have, and what year is it?  One of the things I think is sorely lacking on APQS's web site, and most all the other longarm manufactures as well, is photos and detailed descriptions of the table used, and it's construction.  I know a lot about my table, but don't have a clue about yours.  ( I have a wooden Ult2 table.  The only things wrong with it was the middle leg, and the cut out in the for the switch.  Eliminate them, and it works great)  My point is that the tables change, and the structure of each is different.  If you have one piece trusses that span the entire length of the table solving a drag problem is different than if you have 2 piece trusses that bolt together in the center.


If you have 2 piece trusses (I don't know whether APQS uses such a design now or ever, some manufactures do) it is very possible that the joint between the pieces is misaligned.  If you have 1 piece trusses this won't be the case.  Look for a sag somewhere in the rails.  Take a long -I mean a 6ft or longer -straight edge and lay it on the rail.  If there is any place along the edge that does not fit tight to the straight edge, you have a sag.  This may not show up with a level.  Look for what might be causing the sag.  Correct that, and you'll probably solve the problem.  More specifics about your equipment might help identify similar equipment owners, and they might have some good advice.  Good luck.  Jim

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My first thought was Trusses being not adjusted properly.  What table to you have and do you have a wheeled carriage or the bliss system, that has a bearing on what may cause this problem.


Like Jim said, more specifics are needed and I am sure once this fabulous APQS Family knows what you are working with, you will have solutions to your problem lickety split.  Good luck

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My table is a 12' table purchased with Milli in spring 2010.  It has a truss adjustment under the rails in middle of the table.  When Dawn helped me get the bow out of the middle I have adjusted the truss almost as low as it can go.  The ends of the table are sort of an "A" shape in one piece.

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I had this too on my Lenni table and my leveller bar was not straight...  so I ended up swapping my leveller bar with my front bar which helped stop the resistence.  This took me a long long time to work this out...  as the bar rolls it changes....

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