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Overhead wiring

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I'm thinking of changing where the power cable on my machine is plugged in and am wondering about setting up an overhead wiring system.  Have any of you done this?  How do you suspend the cable for ease of use?  I have mine plugged in via a surge protector which I switch off and unplug from the wall every time I leave my machine.  How would I manage that in an accessible way? 


Unlike my old studio where I had my machine against one wall it is now in the middle of the room and apart from stepping on the power cable at the beginning of stitching out  pantos I have occasionally tripped on the cable from the surge protector between my machine and the outlet.


Any advice gratefully received pros and cons!

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I tried overhead wiring by putting in an outlet over the center of my machine.  That machine had the curley cord, and the arrangement didn't work - the cord kept tugging the machine head back to the middle.  If I were going to try overhead power again, I'd go with one of the sliding connections - I think there was a post with a picture showing one of those - it looked like it would work well.

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Anne, if you decide not to go overhead with your cords, you could always put something like a Cadillac mat from Uline over the cords. Or they also make floor cord trip protectors, too, that are inexpensive. Here's a pic from Home Depot of one http://www.homedepot.com/p/Wiremold-Legrand-5-ft-Over-Floor-Cord-Protector-CDBK-5/100669770#.UZ5BLtKG2uI


I have Cadillac mats for my feet/legs and love them. I quilt on concrete though so they are a necessity!

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post-995-0-43737700-1369334049_thumb.jpgI bought the sliding type curtain rods and clips that are like the things in a hospital. Can't remember what they are called, but I found mine on Walmart.com. I had an old curley cord from another machine, had my husband change the plug on the end and plugged it into a ceiling outlet, then plugged my machine into that.
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