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Ladies - see your Doctor!!

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Yesterday I slipped and fell on the snow covered street (A thick bit of ice laid hidden under the beautiful tho deceptive snow) At the time I was simply embarrased about it and hoped no one saw my attempt at ice skating. As the morning passed I felt alot of discomfort in my left wrist. I sprained it good. Last nite I got a phone call from a friend to tell me about another friend who also slipped on the ice (She was wearing her Gaters) She BROKE her right wrist. During the exam at the E.R. she was told she has Osteoporosis!! This is likely why her wrist broke so easily - She is having surgery on it today - they don't know if she can have just pins in to repair or if she has to have an entire plate! She had no idea about the Osteoporsis as I am sure alot of us are the same. I am going to call today to find out about tests and what I can do to prevent the same fate!! I hope everyone does the same-Let's face it if it has to do with the kids , husband , or parents we would probably take care of it right away, but we tend to put ourselves on the "back burner" I say we are important too!

By the way son's foot is not broken and he is off the crutches!! He is none too happy about that - you see the instuctors let him leave class early to avoid the crowds in the hallway, and he has been FIRST for lunch for almost two weeks!! We all know how much 14 (almost 15) year old boys can eat!! He has really enjoyed the selection of food you do not get to see later in the lunch hour!! LOL

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I have to say my poor MIL had MAJOR spinal surgery yesterday, and thank God has come out ok from it. But she had been seeing a GP, a chiro three x/week, an orthopod once a week, and none of them noticed she had a collapsed vertebra in her lumbar region. Life-threatening, and we're very glad her last fall caused a trip to the ER so they would find out why she's had no strength in her legs and getting worse daily. She's 85, but has always been active and strong. Thank God she did have that fall or the doctors would never have figured it out! Now she will mend, and hopefully regain the use of her legs, no thanks to all of them but the neurosurgeon, who ordered the MRI which showed the problem. So just going to your doctor does not always reveal what you're needing, maybe you'll have to go to three or FOUR!

Ok, rant over. Yes, I agree, always have injuries seen to, as you never know, and yes, YOU are just as important as the other members of your family, because without you where would they be? and what kind of lives would they then have to live, without their mom or wife or sis or aunt or Grammie or whoever you are to your loved ones?

Take care, everyone! I'm glad your son's foot is not broken, but too bad about lunch for him. I'm sure he'll find a way to eat enough, though, LOL! Sure wish mine would take hot lunch in the cafeteria. Neither of them would do it, as they say by the time they get through the line there's no time to eat.

Ok, guess I'd better stop the drunken slug ramble, LOL!

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Thanks, Susan, that's very valuable information we don't get from the soda companies. No wonder our kids have so many health issues, if they're living on this stuff at school, church, and every other activity they're involved in.

It's so hard to get enough calcium when you're constantly being made aware of the cholesterol in milk, cheese, and other dairy, where calcium is the highest. I really dislike nonfat stuff, so have to choose between evils, it seems. Of course, moderation is the key, and that's what I'm working on.

Stay well, everyone!

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