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In Case You Wondered - It Does Get Better! :)

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Here it is well into August, and I was flipping through the  forums looking for some pictures from some of my favorite APQS quilters and I found this thread I started way back in January:




I had only had my long arm for a few days and I was in a panic!  My circles were square and my feathers wobbled and I just KNEW my machine needed timed but I didn't want to even think about it!


It has been just under seven months since then.  WOW have things improved!  Here is my latest quilt:




I cannot believe how much has changed in just half of a year!  I timed my machine.  I have been working hard and practicing just about every day - not without fear or hesitation - but with perserverance.  I'm so proud of how far I've come.  I started my little quilting business two months after bringing my machine home and now I'm getting regular quilts in.  I am just so happy and I cannot wait to see how much improvement will come in the future!


I'm going on and on - but my point is - for those out there just beginning, just bringing your long arm home, thinking your square circles will never become beautiful feathers - THEY WILL!  The people on this forum have been my inspiration and my cheerleaders - I can't thank you all enough!!


I wasn't sure at first that it ever would - but it most certainly DOES get better!  :)

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Thank you for posting this! I just purchased a 1996 Ult I a few weeks ago and started quilting on a donation quilt. Squares all over! Do any of you have "play" in your machine rocking - is it normal for a tiny bit of play? I have tightened the wheels as tight as possible but I notice that they rock slightly off the carriage.

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My machine doesn't rock but I did have a wheel fly off of the back of the machine once while I was sewing!  Scared me to death!  I know that there are washers back there on the wheels that keep them all in the right place, wonder if you are missing a washer or two?  There are sometimes a few washers rather than just one (which is what I would automatically have thought).  Hope you figure this one out, that would scare me!


Your circles will definitely get better.  I panicked SO badly when I first brought my machine home.  I am a stay at home Mom, and even buying used, this was a HUGE investment for our family.  I really felt obligated to figure out how to use the thing and make some money!

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