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Posted this question earlier but I don't know where it disappeared to. Just received a flannel Quilt Top and Backing in the mail. The seam in the flannel backing is seamed up the center. The top is plaid squares that are plain interspersed between plaid blocks that are pieced. Any suggestions on Do's and Don'ts of handling flannel will be appreciated as this is my first one.

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I like quilting flannel tops, and prefer flannel backing.  When using pieced flannel backing, I press my seams open.  To reduce bulk, I load the backing with the seam running horizontal (parallel to the rollers).


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I'm with everyone, press seams open on flannel, and I had one recently stay stitch around the outside, which helped it not stretch as much (it was actually serged).  I try to keep even tension on the flannel so it will not wrinkle on the back but not be pulled out of shape, and request a bit more fabric to the backs (about 8-10 inches all around).  That way the clamps don't distort the inside of the quilt as they do the outer edges.  If I get one with less side backing, I use side leaders that I made for that purpose.    I use a 4.5 needle for the flannel and loosen the tensions on the threads a bit.

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