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quilt Path Installed


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O I am still waiting for my Quilt Path to arrive, October is my month, hopefully sooner than later!!!!  I have been playing with free motion quilting, but I am having trouble with that.  I am 5.0 and having a terrible time reaching the on/off switch, and working the far reaches of the sewing area.  The frame is set at it's lowest level but it is still too high for me.  Very sad about this and trying to find a solution. 

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Mount a power bar to your quilt frame leg and plug the machine into that. Then all you have to do is turn the power bar off. I've also mounted a power bar to the tension bar on a 14' table, near the center of the table.


As for being 5' tall, do you have someone you can ask to build you a plywood platform for the front of the table? OR, you could wear 5" heels! :rolleyes:

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