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Unrelated to quilting...but

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I am sure glad my electric power is back on. We had an ice storm which left power lines down in a tangled mess. I am out in the countryside so I am totally electric. No electricity means no water, no heat and no lights...all this means no quilting. I had an unscheduled vacation day where I could do almost nothing except hand projects.

Thank goodness I upgraded my gas fireplace so I could turn it on without electricity. It kept me, 2 chihuahuas and 2 cats warm. Finally at about 8 pm the electric power came back on. It is suppose to get down to 18 degrees tonight. Just a little chilly.

Hope everyone in the path of this or any other storm stays safe.

On my way to shower and bundle under a really nice warm electric blanket (there is a quilt on top of it:D)

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Hi Cheryle

Glad to hear that the power came back on, and that you are warm. I remember when my furnace died, and it wasn't nearly as cold here as it is there! Stay warm, snuggle in those quilts and peruse the quilt magazines that may have been piling up. I've found it's hard to do handwork with mittens on, but I can still read!


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Oh how I can relate. We received 18 inches of snow and -8 degrees this week. Luckily we have a wood stove that I can used for heat and cooking. It is a bit cool on the bottom to go outside to potty in the snow, though. Maybe you should consider a couple of wolfhounds to snuggle up with. Chihuahuas can't put out much heat. lol

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