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MQS moving date in 2015 and location in 2016

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MQS will be in May 13-16, 2015 in Wichita (because they have a contract for another year). They are scouting new locations, still in the center of the country for 2016. They are trying to get a lot of input to re-vitalize the show. A survey was sent out to competitors concerning the judges comment sheets and what kind of classes you would like.

They are the only long arm show in the middle of the country. I hope they can get the show back on track. I have gotten to know the people running the show and really like them! They have been so friendly and helpful to me from my very first show as a new quilter.

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Actually, MQX's fall show will be in Springfield, IL.  It's slightly right of center, but very close to central USA.  I had heard that MQS was wonderful this year.  It seems that efforts to make it better would make it over-the-top.  Whichever location they choose, I do hope it will be more convenient to an airport than Overland Park was.  That round trip between the airport and the convention center was a doozy.  Sounds like Omaha would be great.  I know from trying to help Janet-Lee find a good location for MQX on the west coast, that there are some really particular requirements for a quilt show with lots of break-out rooms for classes.  That's usually the big issue.  I hope they find something great!

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