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Thread top and bobbin what to use

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I am having a problem with using a dark thread in the bobbin to match the backing and a light thread on top. The dark thread is showing on top. I have adjusted the top and bobbin tension to no avail. I have a Millie and I am using Glide thread top and bobbin and size 4.0 needle.

What do I need to try?

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Are you using a very thin batting?  In order for the stitches to truly disappear the stitch needs to pull up into the batting from the bottom and sink down into the batting from the top.  Even the most perfect tension won't do that if you are using very thin batting.  Make sure your threads are the same weight on top and bottom and adjust the tension so the pull on both threads feels the same.  If you are still having problems you will have to decide if you want the tiny dots to show up on the top or on the back.

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Teresa gives great advice. I have a quilt on the frame with an unbleached muslin backer and purples, creams, and browns on top. She gave me thin cotton batting to use. For the cream top thread I'm using a cream bobbin thread. For the purple and brown top thread I'm using a dark gray bobbin thread. There is no rule that says you mustn't change bobbin thread colors.


If my customer insists on thread to match the backer I won't take a thin batting. It needs to be a cotton blend, poly, wool, or a thicker cotton like QD Deluxe. It's all about giving the stitches a place to hide. 

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My favorite thread is superior omni for the top and bottomline on the bottom. It just seems that a thicker thread on top works well with a thinner thread in the bobbin. Superior thread has thread with different thicknesses, but I could not tell you which thicker top thread is shiny like a glide thread is shiny. When you use a slick thread like glide in top and bottom, the threads can't "grab" and it slides across itself which can give you tension problems either top or bottom, depending on which of the two tensions is tighter. I can usually use one color on top and another color in the bobbin as long as I  follow this formula mix of threads.


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My magic thread combo is SoFine on top & Magna Glide bobbins.

I use Rainbows with magna glides, too. But it's finicky-er.

Also, I have a separate bobbin case for prewounds and one for regular bobbins.

Helps a lot, just minimal tweaking.

When I wind my own I use bottom line & SoFine.

My favorite battiness are Hobbs 80/20 & QD 70/30.

I didn't realize Hobbs made a 70/30...I'm going to have to look for that!

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I used Quilter's Dream Cotton, Deluxe loft the other day on a customer's wall hanging, my first time using it. That was my oopsie where I cut her batting too short and had to use some of my own. I used a very deep burgundy thread in the bobbin and in about 30% of her quilt where she had cream-colored fabric, I used a cream thread in the top and did small/dense loopy circles and didn't see any burgundy showing on the top. It might have been a fluke, but I'm going to try this batting again in wall hangings if it hides my bobbin thread that well. It turned out to be a happy accident, this batting did!

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