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Take up lever not going all the way up - top thread breaking

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So yesterday I was quilting along with no problems, then this morning ..... it is a whole new day and I have had nothing but problems.  I was able to isolate the problem (I think) but don't know how to fix it.  HELP!!! Please, I have five more quilts that I have to get finished before next weekend.


The problem appears to be that the take up lever is not going all the way up when a stitch is made.  When I first try to pull up the bobbin thread, the takeup bar only goes up about 1/3 of the way so when I try to pull up the bobbin thread the top thread breaks.  I can manually rotate the take up lever and get the thread to come to the top easily, but I don't want to have to do that every time I take a stitch!  How do I fix this? 


BTW - the machine just received it's spa treatment, new everything, timing redone, etc.  Is there anything else I should be looking at?  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks so much!

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There is an adjustment in Intellistitch that needs to be made.  Let me find my manual and I'll tell you what it is called.






Found it.  If you have the I/S Turbo CL manual it starts on page 27.  Basically you want to warm up the machine I let it run for atleast 10 minutes and then check the needle up/down positions first.  If correct then do the auto adjustment for the needle positioning speed.  Then you should be good to go. 

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Lora, I have a Nolting 24 Pro that has the Intellistitch Stitch Regulator. If the I/S is the same for all machines, there's instructions I keep handy.

1. Turn your machine off.

2. Press and hold the one-stitch button. While holding it, turn on the machine.

3. Watch for the laser light indicator to flash.

4. Set the dial at the back of the machine to B1.

5. Press the one-stitch button.

6. Hear three beeps. This means the adjustment is about to begin. Move your machine slightly after each stitch to avoid thread pile-up.

7. Listen for three quick beeps. This means the adjustment is finished.

8. Turn the machine off. Wait a few seconds and power back on.


I hope these work for your machine!


EDITED: It is recommended that you thread your machine and do this adjustment over a quilt sandwich. If you can't find the manual pages you need and you have a fax machine, I can fax you what I have.

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Most of the old non regulated machines would not have had needle positioning so I/S came up with their own system.  If APQS did your spa treatment and changed the timing it could have affected the stop position.  Since it is not an APQS system you can't expect them to know how to reset it.  If you have a problem  getting this sorted out call your local I/S dealer.  Also Bonnie is right Nolting uses the same system so they could help also.  Only 24 pages maybe you have an older version of I/S but the set up should be in the manual somewhere.



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Lora:  Did you warm the machine up before you began sewing today?  If Zelda isn't warm when I start, she's lazy about the take up lever coming up to the point that that the bobbin thread is released.  How long did you run your machine rotating the hand wheel to pull up the thread?  If I stitch for 10 or 15 minutes, the problem usually goes away.  There are 2 things that affect the needle positioner (actually I only have the problem with the single stitch - the half stitch-needle up or needle down- has always been OK).  It is the needle position as Bonnie's given you instructions, or it could be the stitch speed.  Either one will affect the single stitch.  Read your I/S manual on adjustments.  Good luck.  Jim

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Thanks Bonnie and Nigel,


The spa treatment was performed by the Ron Paul who came out and installed my IQ.  He's also an I/S dealer, and gave that a good service too (at least I think he said he did.)


Bonnie, I'm going to give your directions a try.  I've just taken one quilt off the frame, so can put a practice piece on there until I get the I/S to work properly. 


Nigel, I think you are right.  I must have an older manual.  I got my Ult 1 in 2007 and it already had the I/S on it.  I am the third owner of the Ult 1, but I think it is the second owner who put the I/S on it.  She had the Ult 1 for about a year and a half, but I don't know when she installed the I/S. 


Okay, going to try to do the I/S maintenance now.  Wish me luck! 

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Lora, there's a downloadable Intellistitch manual here that has more than 24 pages.




But I hope you have it fixed by now :)


I quilt in my garage, and every time the weather changes and it gets cold, I have a similar situation occur where the needle isn't allowing me to pull the thread up without manually moving the needle back and forth a little bit. It will usually resolve after quilting for an hour, but only if it's not too cold outside. I have always equated it to the metal parts in the bobbin race and case that heat up a little more in the warmer weather but I don't really know why it happens. I've had my machine for over four years and every winter, it happens and in the spring/summer/early fall it doesn't. Even with the adjustment I posted, it doesn't always do the trick.

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Yea!  Success!  I followed Bonnie's instructions and the problem appears to be fixed.  :D   Happy Dance!!!


Also, just wanted to let you guys know how thankful I am for your insight and sharing information with me.  I was frustrated and really needed just to walk away, but you know when you're oh so close to finishing, you just keep thinking "okay, just a little more".....  well, you know.  Anyway, with your help, I was able to get the problem corrected.  Tonight I'll be loading the next quilt on the frame.   ..... Just four more to do before Christmas (actually next weekend).  Honestly, sometimes I feel like that little train.....I think I can....I think I can.... :wub:


Anyway, BIG THANKS TO NIGEL, BONNIE, and JIM.  Merry Christmas!

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Glad you have it fixed.  Mine is the same as Jim's it doesn't always stop in the right spot until warm.  One more thing if Ron changed out needle bar or hopping foot bushings the machine will be a little tight for a while and once they are worn in you may find the machine over rotates a bit and you will do that adjustment again.



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Thanks Nigel,


I had ordered bushings from APQS along with a belt and an assortment of other parts.  Ron wasn't able to use the bushings because they were the wrong type for my machine and the belt was too small.  Wonder what APQS's return policy is?  I would still like to get the right parts and complete the tune up. 



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I know you've solved the problem now but for future reference there is a video at intellistitch.com that demonstrates the adjustments for the I/S Turbo cl. Usually you only need to run the needle positioning speed auto adjustment - the one that Bonnie described - to correct any issues you may be having with the Turbo cl.

This is not applicable for older versions of I/S ( I/S Turbo or I/S 2K ) which I know some machines still have. To adjust those you need to follow the adjustment procedures in the relevant manuals. I/S 2K adjustments are much more involved.

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