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Quilt Presentation

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I am on the guild schedule to do a presentation on Longarming in July, I know what I want to say but need some pictures of quilts with problems on a longarm...(this is mostly an educational presentation so that people will get the best results from their longarmer)...I recently switched to a new mac last fall and lost most of my old pictures. and of course I had plenty.......does anyone have any pictures of "friendly quilts" or quilts with problems like loose seams, c or d cups, etc....that they would be willing to share for my powerpoint presentation?  Of course I would not identify them to my guild and would protect the privacy of any pictures.....odds are they would not be recognized anyway since they aren't from my guild members....  I want people to see what happens to their quilt once it is loaded on a long arm machine and what happens when things are not done properly vs what happens when a nice square quilt is quilted....


Thanks to any who are willing to share.....



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I seldom quilt for others but have pictures of one quilt where piecing was finger pressed and outside edges are jagged.  Would be an opportunity to discuss proper pressing and how it relates to SID as well as stitching down the outside seams so they do not come apart while being quilted.  Let me know your email address if you want them.

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