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Is My Towa Gauge Working Correctly?

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Hi, when I test my Magna-Glide Delight magnetic bobbins (which are pretty all  I use) on my Towa gauge, the needle will not hold steady but jumps around.  I'm using it as per their instructions and I've checked numerous videos to make sure I'm doing it correctly.  I've also made absolutely sure that my bobbin case doesn't have any lint or dirt under the bobbin case finger.  I do sometimes wind my own, and the Towa gauge needle is steady when I test those.  Is the jumping around normal for magnetic bobbins, and if so, how do I tell when I've got it where I want it?  TIA.

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I don't use magnetic bobbins, so I don't have any first hand knowledge, but I'd guess the needle "jumping" might be the magnet releasing and then re-setting.  Maybe OK.  If you have another bobbin case, try and check with it to see if it also happens.  Before you do anything, try another bobbin.  When I buy bobbins I always wind some thread on them, pull them through the TOWA, and if I don't get a steady reading, I discard the bobbin as defective.  You might have some bad pre-wound bobbins.  Good luck.  Jim 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I  use Magna Glide bobbins exclusively.   The Towa gauge used to jump around on my bobbins, also.   It no longer does that, but I had to replace my hook.  After the replacement, all is well.   Not saying you need a hook replacement!   That is just what caused my issue with the gauge.   My machine is a 2011 and was purchased used.   I suspect the previous owner did not oil.

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Sorry I’m late to this conversation.  If this is happening with full bobbins it could be they are slightly too full or egg shaped and rubbing on the side of the case.  Quite often I would have to pull off a few yards until the tension ran smooth.  I guess a bent bobbin case would also cause this.



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