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Jen Update

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Jen is having a very bad day. She is at the ER right now getting a dose of fluids and nausea meds. She has been doing so much better than before. She is still sick every day, usually about 3 times a day, but not like the 20 - 30 times before. She is at 20 weeks - which means (for us old timers that went by months) she is half way there. I will keep you posted.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.

Mary Beth

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She just called to say that they are giving her an IV and she feels better already. This is what would happen before. She would be dehydrated, go for fluids and feel better for a day of so and then back to dehydration again. I just hope we are not repeating the process.

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Besides a prayer, I'm sending Jen good thoughts for the following things:

Jen, please try to keep your inner peace and tranquility. Breathe in and out. Relax. Think positive. No stress. No worry. Focus on keeping a happy baby. Focus on happy baby. Everything else is not important. The job, the bills, everything else can wait. It really can. You can get through this. Mind over matter. More peace and tranquility. No stress. Baby needs a happy mommy. This crazy time in your life is only temporary and everything will work out OK in the long run. When you start to stress out, ask yourself this question: In 100 years from now will (fill in the blank) really matter? If the answer is "no" then forget about it. Remember that in 100 years, the only things that will matter will be the legacy you leave for your family's generations ahead of you. Simple: focus on what is most important and that's all (you and that kiddo). No stress. Lots of hugs.

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Mary Beth,

Find out how much water her doctor would like to see her drink each day then have Jen fill a container each morning with that amount in it and keep it either on the counter or in the refrigerator if she prefers cold water. Then have her drink from this container all day until it is completely gone. This way she will be reminded to drink and she will also know how much she has left to drink for the day so she dosen't become dehydrated.

It is so hard to remember to drink enough fluids each day especially when you get busy doing other stuff. With my last pregnancy I got so dehydrated that it started my premature contractions that landed me in the hospital for 6 1/2 weeks.

I am sure she dosen't want to go down that road...let me tell you no fun!!

Any ways sending prayers her way.


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Bonnie, thank you, I will let Jen know you are praying for her.

Shana, you are so right. When I am with her, and she is at her worst, I try to get her to breathe in through her nose, hold it, then out slowly through her mouth, just to relax her. I think it helps...she thinks I'm a nut. But it does calm her down. I will pass along your message to her. Thank you.

Joann, that is a very good idea. It is hard for me to call her from across town and ask her, are you eating what you are suppose to, or she is suppose to be drinking Ensure - and she hasn't been because she has been eating and she thinks that is enough. The Ensure has nutrients that she is not getting in food, that the baby needs. Sometimes I just want to sit with her and make her drink it. She gets a little tired of me asking if she is drinking or eating...but oh, well. I will pass along what you suggested. Thanks so much.

Mary Beth

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Mary Beth,

Our children always think we are nuts! It must run in motherhood genes. LOL

Hope she is doing better. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Joann is right it is easier to know if we are drinking enough if there is a visual aid. I have a bubba keg that I fill with water (I got it at walmart and it keeps liquid cold for 8 to 12 hours. It also doesn't sweat like a glass does). It holds 52 ounces and I try to drink it dry everyday.

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I asked her yesterday if she had been drinking enough. She told me that she couldn't drink anything yesterday. I told her that I wasn't just talking about yesterday, I mean everyday. Then she sounded a little irritated and said "no probably not". The "Bubba Keg" sounds like a good idea for her and me, I'll check into that.

Thanks for the suggestion, and the prayers.


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So sorry to hear Jen is not doing well again. The DC I work for tells most people that they need to be drinking half their body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 you should be drinking 75 ounces of water daily. I would think her doctor could tell her approx. how much water/fluids she needs every day. Still have you all in my daily prayers.

Jessica saw her Joplin doctor last Tuesday for ultrasound and he told her they needed to do another amniocentesis (needle thru the belly). Her and Tommy called the doctor in KC and she said not to, its too risky at this point...they only have about 5 or 6 weeks left before the baby comes now. I just keep praying for both girsl and their babies and loved ones. I know how hard this is for you.

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I don't know about the Joplin doctors...but I know the doctors at Children's Mercy are very, very good! I really hope and pray that things go well for Jessica, Tommy and baby...

Jen's problem with drinking is that nothing stays in. That is the frustrating part. We know what she needs to do, it is just getting things to stay put that is the difficult part. She seems to be doing better since her latest hospital visit on Wednesday. Hopefully it will last for a while now.

Mary Beth

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I feel so helpless with this but just letting you know I am praying for your girls. Our one daughter is pregnant with her fourth and she says last baby but she does great and I don't even know if she has been nauseated with any of them. Now, I wasn't so lucky and can tell you a very funny (now it is funny!) story of me in our Jimmy up on the hoist in a garage with nothing to throw-up in! We had just cleaned the vehicle out and there was no a plastic drink container or even a piece of paper in it! Oh my, I can remember that like it was yesterday and that son is now almost 22! I actually managed to wait until they lifted the vehicle down! Rog has had to do a fast stop lots of times when I was pregnant and believe me he hasn't forgotten that skill as we have a son that occasionally gets car sick!

Lots of prayer and hugs to both your daughters and now we all want to know what the baby is, boy or girl!!!


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Thank you so much for your well wishes. Jen is standing here right now reading this message with me. It helps her to know you all are with her. Jen is having a girl, we thought we had a name, but it is not official. April's daughter, Jessica is having a bouncing baby boy. We know that Jessica's little one is going to have some problems, not sure how sever. Keep him and Jessica and family in your prayers as her time is getting very, very, close.

Mary Beth

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